By making use of the correlation technique of pseudorandom signal, the on line identification of moving damping of displacer in a split cycle Stirling cryocooler has been carried out in this paper.
该过滤器-排出器(5)销连接到所述下部(1.2)上, 使得第一和第二凸轮两者都可以相对于下部(1.2)旋转。
The filter-ejector (5) is keyed to said lower part (1.2), so that both the first and second cam can rotate with respect to it.
直到HD r次要服务器完成从暂存日志读取数据的操作(在排出模式下)之后,才能在HD r次要服务器上执行onmode - d标准(等待HD r次要服务器变为常规模式)。
Execution of onmode -d standard on HDR secondary completes until HDR secondary completes reading (drain) from logs staged (waits till HDR secondary comes to normal mode).
If another log checkpoint record is encountered while it is in drain mode, it goes back to buffering mode.
The algae bioreactors move exhaust gas from the distillery into containers that grow algae, which feed on the gas.
The secondary may encounter another checkpoint log record while it is in drain or buffering mode, and you may see pending checkpoint increased.
HD r次要服务器上有暂存的日志,如果处于排出模式下,则会关闭主要服务器。
HDR secondary has logs staged, and primary server went down while in drain mode.
Water drained from the water heater faucet, if the water heater has not been damaged.
它会产生大量的热量,这些热量由一个风扇排出,它将风从靠近Blu - Ray驱动器的单元的后端吹出,并吹出设备后部。
It generates a lot of heat which is extracted by a fan that blows out the end of the unit closer to the Blu-Ray drive, as well as out the back.
在次要服务器上完成检查点处理之后,次要服务器会进入排出模式 (drain mode)。
When checkpoint processing at the secondary completes, secondary goes to drain mode.
A radiator lid functions not only as a lid but also as a valve that moves the radiator coolant from the radiator to the reservoir tank when it is hot (when the pressure is high).
The function of the phase separator is to simply divide the liquid and gas and then vent the gas from the system.
For prefilled syringes without attached sterile needles, expel the contents of each syringe into one or two separate membrane filter funnels or into separate pooling vessels prior to transfer.
Use a pressure reducing regulator or separate control valve to safely discharge gas from cylinders. Use a check valve to prevent reverse flow into the cylinder.
Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle and expel air.
Because the condenser heat includes a refrigerant from the evaporator absorbs heat and compression power conversion over heat.
Import import trap or trap is known for the steam pipe network and devices, can automatically discharge condensate, air and other non-condensing gas, and blocking water vapor leak valve.
Equipped with electron drainage, and reliably condensed water from the plane and does not lead to air loss.
If a separate sterile needle is attached, directly expel the syringe contents as indicated above, and proceed as directed for Aqueous Solutions.
Meanwhile, fine crystal discharge device was added in crystallizer to decline quantity of crystal nucleus and to increase crystal growth rate so as to reach the aim of improving crystalline quality.
Drain out 5 gallons of water from the drain valve at the bottom of the heater.
The warmed air is exhausted by the heat exhauster window and the fan with temperature sensor at top part of the 'brise-soleil'.
Motor having electronic commutation, especially for driving fluid discharge device, particular in hair-dryer mounted such motor.
Therefore, the condensate controller automatically vents the bypass or secondary steam .
Sensible heat defrost is a new defrosting method which avoids disadvantages of four-way valve reverse defrost and USES the sensible heat of hot refrigerant vapor from compressor to defrost.
Condensers are used in power plants to condense exhaust steam from turbines and in refrigeration plants to condense refrigerant vapours, such as ammonia and Freons.
The function of exhaust diffuser is to transform part of momentum energy of exhaust gases from engine into pressure energy to simulate actual exhaust back pressure and environment pressure.
Fluid end consists mainly of module, suction and discharge valve assembly, suction and discharge spring, suction and discharge pipe, plunger, packing, safety valve and pressure regulator, etc.
当「建立真空」 (正常操作下)时,空气入口处的不可凝结物和蒸汽中的氧含量以及凝结水必须由主抽汽器排出。
When " holding " ( during normal operation ), non condensable, which are coming from air ingress and oxygen content in steam and condensate, must also be extracted normally by main ejectors.
当「建立真空」 (正常操作下)时,空气入口处的不可凝结物和蒸汽中的氧含量以及凝结水必须由主抽汽器排出。
When " holding " ( during normal operation ), non condensable, which are coming from air ingress and oxygen content in steam and condensate, must also be extracted normally by main ejectors.