In an interview with IBM's own magazine ForwardView, he said, "For a computer, there is no connection from words to human experience and human cognition.
"You cane me, then you want an interview?" he asked, without breaking stride, when a variety of men with microphones approached him.
In an interview a few weeks ago, Liu Kun, a Foxconn spokesman in Shenzhen, said most of the victims either had been severely depressed or had serious personal problems.
He said in an interview that 'I have always been a follower of HSBC,' but is still weighing the rights issue.
"God may exist, but science can explain the universe without the need for a creator," Hawking told CNN's "Larry king Live" in an interview that aired Friday.
"We've made quite a bit of progress, " CDC epidemiologist Dr. Celeste Philip, lead author of a CDC report on breast-feeding, said in a telephone interview.
Eyewitnesses who spoke to Russian radio described a scene of carnage after the blast ripped through the baggage claims section of the arrivals hall at Russia's largest airport.
The survivors are interviewed again and again and again? Where does that get them?
He told NEWSWEEK that researchers at 20 hospitals have identified about 600 subjects for interviews.
"This year has been particularly tough," said Cameron Leslie, co-founder and managing director of London clubs Matter, which has been closed since June, and Fabric in a telephone interview.
The backpackers interviewed are preparing to get totally hammered or high, but they still talk of tourists being stupid, or not bothering to understand or relate to their host culture.
Another witness told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette newspaper that she was in an exercise class when a man came in a back door and started shooting.
"We've been channeling that anger to try to hold people accountable," said Mr. Flynn, who works in Manhattan, advising companies on marketing and financial strategies.
“我们在接受采访时愤怒的要求当事者负起责任来,”弗林先生说道。 弗林先生现在在曼哈顿的一家营销和金融政策的咨询公司供职。
“We’ve been channeling that anger to try to hold people accountable,” said Mr. Flynn, who works in Manhattan, advising companies on marketing and financial strategies.
I am very keen that children and young women should be informed about airbrushing, so they don't fall victim to looking at an image and thinking that anyone can have a 12in waist.
“That’s right, ” he told The Creators Project when asked if he was playing God.
Firth spoke to journalists after the film's first screening, joined by the film's lead Gary Oldman - who plays George Smiley - and actors John Hurt, Benedict Cumberbatch and Mark Strong.
该研究还提出了警示:对研究结果进行解读时要谨慎,因为调查是“自主选择的”——心情愉悦的参与者更愿意对调查内容作出回答。 而接受采访的人中只有一个人对血拼感到后悔。
The study did sound a cautionary note, saying that findings should be interpreted with care because the survey was 'self-selecting', because participants in a good mood were more likely to respond.
The families of the victims could not be reached for comment on Sunday.
"Certifiers ought to help create a safer and more environmentally benign business overseas," Harris tells PM.
英国央行行长默文•金(Mervyn King)接受一家报纸采访时也表示,经济增长急剧放缓可能会促使决策者下调基准利率,尽管9月份年通货膨胀率达到了5.2%。
Bank of England Gov. Mervyn King also said in a newspaper interview that sharply slower growth is likely to push policy makers to cut their key rate, despite annual inflation at 5.2% in September.
In an interview with the website Big Think, Professor Hawking said he was an optimist but the next few hundred years had to be negotiated carefully if humans were to survive.
“一冲就忘,”美国标准的副总裁兼预定消费者总经理詹姆斯·沃尔什(James Walsh)接受探索新闻(Discovery News)采访时说。
"Flush once and forget it," James Walsh, vice President of American Standard and general manager of consumer fixtures, told Discovery News.
Vikram Pandit, the CEO of Citicorp (C), offered in a Fortune interview to meet with the protesters, acknowledging a lack of trust in Wall Street.
"We are delighted to create history," the minister, P.C. Zoramsangliana, told reporters in the capital, Aizawl, where the troupe in traditional tribal dress assembled at a military ground.
"We are delighted to create history," the minister, P.C. Zoramsangliana, told reporters in the capital, Aizawl, where the troupe in traditional tribal dress assembled at a military ground.