• 人们看见被控告者进入银行

    The accused man was observed to enter the bank.


  • 随着时间流逝,注意到那些控告改变他们故事,她列出了所有矛盾的控告词。

    When she notices Gran's accusers changing their stories over time, she lays out the contradictory claims.


  • 7月1日,因控告诚信受到质疑曼哈顿法官决定解除卡恩的软禁,这又一次使法国上下惊诧不已。

    A Manhattan judge's decision on July 1st to free DSK, as he is known, from house arrest, amid doubts about the credibility of his accuser, has again knocked France sideways.


  • 亲戚为爱斯蒂米洛娃女士孩子们由于控告者却不愿意看到事实,必须拍照留作证据

    When Ms Estemirova arrived the relatives dug up the children's bodies so she could photograph them as evidence, since prosecutors refused to see them.


  • 相反建议国家最高法院应该重申一下这项原则,也就是控告者必须能够提供证据证明帮助导致他们受伤

    He suggested instead that the country's Supreme Court could reaffirm the principle that accusers have to prove that helpers have caused them injury.


  • 真是个有趣的周六夜晚……从医院里出来脸上多了一条新的伤痕…… 我要控告那些袭击!!”杰纳写道

    "Interesting Saturday night... Just got [out] of the hospital with a new scar on my face.. Charges/chargers!!" Jenner wrote.


  • 引用最多就是“南京彭宇”。 2006年,名南京居民起一位跌倒的65妇人控告成肇事

    Most cite the widely publicized case of Peng Yu, a Nanjing resident who in 2006 stopped to help a 65-year-old woman who had fallen, only to be accused by the woman of causing her fall.


  • 马龙先生作为第一证人出庭作证,控告狄勒先生只有3.8 %股权,不过是个管理,却逾份经营IAC,好像IAC是自家开一样。

    Mr Malone, the first witness to testify, accused Mr Diller, who has a 3.8% stake in the firm, of breaching his stewardship obligations and running.


  • 如今这位杀手受害面临指控勒索(的罪名),而妇女也受到了“威胁杀害”的控告

    Now, the hitman and his "victim" face extortion charges and the woman who hired him charges of making threats to kill.


  • 回国是因为当局同意放弃控告是对仍然占领着首都珍珠广场抗议作出的让步的其中项。

    His return comes after the authorities agreed to drop charges against him, one of several concessions they offered to the protesters who were still occupying the Pearl Roundabout at the capital.


  • 减轻欧洲世界恐慌避免被控告为组织恐怖活动哈马斯同意继续支付公共部门就职的薪酬,比如警察教师

    To allay the fears of Europeans nervous of accusations that they are sponsoring terrorists, Hamas has also agreed to keep paying for its own public-sector appointees, such as policemen and teachers.


  • 但是今年春天,欧洲债务危机监管不确定性高盛面临民事欺诈控告以及所谓闪光崩溃,都打消了投资管理层信心

    But this spring, Europe's debt crisis, regulatory uncertainties, civil-fraud charges brought against Goldman, and the so-called flash crash helped to wipe out investor and management confidence.


  • 使百多企业国企化鼓动控告企业所有导致委内瑞拉众多私人企业关闭逃离本国

    He has nationalised hundreds of companies and trumped up charges against their owners, causing much of Venezuela's private sector to shut up shop and flee.


  • 建议应该那些卷入提出妨碍公共秩序罪的控告认为制作售卖此类视频已经违反互联网信息管理办法

    She suggested those involved could be charged with a public order offence and argued the people who made and sold such videos had violated the Administration of Internet Information Services Measures.


  • 库莫提起诉讼控告这家电子巨头公司使用行贿胁迫手段压制市场”,损害了竞争消费的利益。

    Filing his case against the electronics giant, Cuomo said the company had "used bribery and coercion to maintain a stranglehold on the market", hurting competitors and consumers as a result.


  • 劳动危害生命安全和身体健康劳动条件有权用人单位提出批评检举控告

    Workers are entitled to criticize, expose to the authorities or bring a lawsuit against the employer if the employer's work conditions may endanger their life safety and health.


  • 今年10月,在西雅图有人控告五位狩猎

    Early in October prosecutors in Seattle indicted the five hunters.


  • 认为休斯敦扩张提供可居民负担住房方面所有美国东部西部海岸激进改革都成功”,是对计划编制控告

    He sees it as an indictment of planning that spreading Houston has "done a better job of providing affordable housing than all of the progressive reformers on America's East and West coasts."


  • Rajaratnam先生控告收集利用内幕信息但是他否认其恶行一个众所周知科技投资

    Mr Rajaratnam, who is accused of soliciting and trading on non-public information but denies wrongdoing, is a well-known investor in technology stocks.


  • 芝加哥检举人控告巴基斯坦商人TahawwurHussainRaina援助孟买袭击,在那次袭击6名美国人不幸身亡。

    Prosecutors in Chicago accuse a businessman of Pakistani descent, Tahawwur Hussain Raina, of helping the Mumbai attackers, among whose victims were six Americans.


  • 例如2002年,控告家投资银行欺骗投资购买无用股票连同其他一些罪名,从而获得14亿美元补偿金

    In 2002, for example, he wrung a $1.4 billion settlement out of ten investment banks for hyping dud stocks to small investors, among other transgressions.


  • 这些接受来自受害补偿基金检查他们长期损失不得不放弃控告英国石油公司权利

    Those who accept a check for their long-term losses from the victims' compensation fund will have to give up their right to Sue BP PLC.


  • 劳动对违反劳动保护法律法规危害生命安全和身体健康行为有权提出批评检举控告

    Workers have the right to criticize, report and complain against ACTS that endanger life, safety or health in violation of the labor protection laws and regulations.


  • 我们已经听说一些有关广告中的虚假信息案例很多明星误导而消费控告

    We have heard of some cases about the false information in the ads and a number of stars have been accused by the customers for their misdeeds.


  • 之前的一些案例老年人控告好心施救造成自己事故最终证明撒谎他们没有遭受惩罚。

    In some previous cases, senior citizens have accused good Samaritans of being the cause of their accidents but were finally proved to have told a lie, yet they got away without being punished.


  • 是哪一个新的牺牲上帝面前控告软弱无能了?

    What new victim is going to accuse you of weakness before God?


  • 人权活跃份子控告了平锅组织-城市动物园帐篷收容他们虐待微小音乐家非洲音乐节日

    Human rights activists accused organizers of a Pan-African music festival of mistreating a group of pygmy musicians by housing them in tents at the city zoo.


  • 他们希望虐待受到控告,他们只想正常生活,使过去的伤痛逐渐痊愈。

    They want their abusers to be prosecuted, and they just want to live a life and try and heal.


  • 认为应该获悉对他控告性质

    I think that the person accused should know the nature of the accusation made.


  • 认为应该获悉对他控告性质

    I think that the person accused should know the nature of the accusation made.


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