Venice's architecture includes representations of Italian, Arabic, Byzantine, and Renaissance styles.
巴洛克建筑巴洛克建筑是17 ~18世纪在意大利文艺复兴建筑基础上发展起来的一种建筑和装饰风格。
Baroque architecture baroque architecture is the 17th and 18th century Renaissance in Italy, developed on the basis of a kind of architectural and decorative styles.
巴洛克建筑巴洛克建筑是17 ~18世纪在意大利文艺复兴建筑基础上发展起来的一种建筑和装饰风格。
Baroque architecture baroque architecture is the 17th and 18th century Renaissance in Italy, developed on the basis of a kind of architectural and decorative styles.