• 地球时间飞船正在允许我们连接最高美丽最具有治疗效果振动

    TimeShip Earth is allowing us to connect with her Highest and most Beautiful and Healing Frequencies!


  • 一些宇宙飞船太空中停留时间可能会出现问题。

    Some spacecraft may have problems while in space after a certain amount of time.


  • 宇宙飞船上的宇航员太空度过10时间

    The six astronauts on board will spend ten days in space.


  • 飞船于北京时间星期一上午7:30在中国西北部戈壁沙漠的酒泉卫星发射中心由长征二号FY11运载火箭搭载升空。

    The spacecraft was sent up at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China's Gobi desert at 7: 30 a.m. Beijing time Monday with a Long March-2F Y11 carrier rocket.


  • 星和地球距离最近时,宇宙飞船从地球到达火星要大约8个月的时间

    It takes a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth when the two planets are closest to each other.


  • 确保地面上人安全最好方法是以一个强大推进器燃烧来使宇宙飞船脱轨,正确时间使其慢下来

    To keep people on the ground safe, it's best to deorbit a spacecraft with a strong burn of propellant, to slow it down at the right time.


  • 今年早些时候霍金表示,开发出穿越时间旅行飞船(顺势)打破爱因斯坦的相对论理论

    Earlier this year, Hawking he said that a spaceship capable of travelling through time - but only forwards - would breach Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.


  • 今年早些时候霍金表示,开发出穿越时间旅行飞船顺势打破爱因斯坦的相对论理论

    Earlier this year Hawking he said that a spaceship capable of travelling through time - but only forwards - would breach Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.


  • 没有了。没有那么惨。英国另一个叫托尼的家伙。特别痴迷于星际。他花了多年时间打造飞船

    No. You are not. There is another Tony in Britain. He is so obessive with Star Trek. He spent years in building a spaceship home.


  • 但是相比太空飞船卫星着陆需要相对速度需要时间,意味着消耗更燃料进入绕月轨道

    But the satellites will arrive with less relative speed than spacecraft making the trip in three days, which means less fuel will be needed to brake and drop into lunar orbit.


  • 标注时间图片中热火1x号火箭第谷·布拉赫航天飞船装配完毕准备发射

    The HEAT 1x rocket and Tycho Brahe spacecraft stand assembled and ready to launch in an undated picture.


  • 最近这位物理学家已经长大儿子一起计算了宇宙飞船10时间横穿银河系情况

    More recently, the physicist and his now-grown son calculated the scenario of a spaceship trying to travel halfway across our Milky way galaxy in just 10 years.


  • 多出来的时间GRAIL太空飞船就有充足时间排空气体保证他们科学测量受影响

    The extra time in space also gives the GRAIL spacecraft time to vent gases that could impact their science measurements.


  • 事实并非如此英国时间周五午后12:30左右飞船到达其最高点但这精确计划结果

    In fact, the opposite is true: when the mission reaches its climax at around 12.30pm UK time on Friday, it will be the culmination of more than two years of precise planning.


  • 牵引光束需要空气才能工作,所以短时间内还不能发射宇宙飞船。 这无可厚非因为万事开头难嘛,贝尔当时也不能呼叫等待短信啊。

    Because it needs air to work, we won't be using it to move spaceships any time soon, but Alexander Graham Bell didn't have "call waiting" or "text messaging."


  • 北京时间今天上午9时,中国成功发射了神舟六号载人航天飞船

    At 9:00 this morning, Beijing time, China successfully launched a manned spacecraft, SHENZHOU VI.


  • 最后一步这样实现:950运载火箭运输材料地球轨道上建造10宇宙飞船,再用2时间飞往红色行星

    Ten space ships constructed in orbit using 950 ferry flights to supply the building materials would make the 2-year voyage to the Red Planet.


  • 控制中心的官员莫斯科时间周日晚上10点44分,“TMA-5”号宇宙飞船飞离空间站,之前由于维托里的太空服的真空密封层出现了问题起航行动延迟了4分钟。

    The TMA-5 undocked at 10:44 p.m. Moscow time on Sunday, after a four-minute delay caused by problems with the hermetic seals on Vittori's spacesuit, Mission Control officials said.


  • 张图片卡西尼飞船角度照相机拍摄时间是2006年9月15距离土星130万英里,距离地球930万英里。

    This image was taken by the Cassini spacecraft's wide-angle camera on Sept. 15, 2006, at a distance of 1.3 million miles from Saturn and about 930 million miles from Earth.


  • 宇宙走飞船那些勇敢接近这个巨大的物体时间放缓。

    But for the brave people on board, close to this massive object, time would be slowed down.


  • 之后激光高度计将参照光速,计算出反射脉冲渡越时间从而获得飞船月球表面之间距离

    From the return pulse, LOLA determines the time of flight which, accounting for the speed of light, reveals the distance from the spacecraft to the lunar surface.


  • 作为老牌航空公司他们意识飞船两次飞行间重新装载燃料需要更多时间,也就是说相比运输机飞船的需求量会更大。

    The spaceships will take longer to refuel for their next flight than the carrier aircraft do, so-thinking just as an airline would-the firm has concluded it needs more spaceships than carriers.


  • 颗行星过于遥远,以接近光速飞行宇宙飞船要花费20时间才能抵达

    The planet is so far away, spaceships travelling close to the speed of light would take 20 years to make the journey.


  • 在航行的最初视野号的工程师们将与时间赛跑:为了木星获得引力推进力,飞船将花时间绕木星旋转。

    Initially, the New Horizons engineers were also racing against the clock: By getting a gravity kick from Jupiter, the spacecraft could shave three years off its total mission time.


  • 艘旅行者飞船是迄今连续工作时间最长的探测器

    The two Voyager spacecraft have been the longest continuously operating spacecraft in deep space.


  • 发射差不多时间制动火箭启动了阿波罗8飞船进入月球轨道

    Nearly three days after launch, the braking engines fired and the Apollo 8 capsule went into orbit around the moon.


  • 作为地球物理学者,美国航天航空局喷气动力实验室所做的研究帮助正确时间正确的位置发射宇宙飞船,并且使之准确到达目的地

    His research for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.


  • 过两速度达到光速90%, 远离太阳系; 发射四年之后飞船开始了时间旅行

    Two years later it would be travelling at 90 per cent of the speed of light.


  • 通过宇宙飞船发回的数据(包括目前正在火星探测的飞行器在内),我们已经发现证据可以表明,火星形成初期,的气候温和,有一段时间曾有河流流入汪洋大海的迹象。

    The first question has aclear answer: Yes, we probably could. Spacecraft, including the ones nowexploring Mars, have found evidence that it was warm in its youth, with riversdraining into vast seas.


  • 可是飞船之外、正在观看飞船运行人们来说,这个车头灯并没有点亮:车头所发出的光到达观察者需要无穷大时间因为要求车头灯所发出的光束的速度超过以光速运行的飞船是不可能的。

    For someone standing outside watching the ship fly by, the headlights do not appear to turn on: light comes out but it takes an eternity for the beams to get ahead of the spaceship.


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