He is not the worst boy in the entire shire, but the cleverest and creative boy.
The most creative viral marketing plans use others' resources to get the word out.
The lives of some of the most creative people history has seen vary not only in length or era, but also routine.
As it were, both in theory and in practice, Li Yu is the most creative one in the vernacular short story writers in the Qing Dynasty.
Referrals from people who haven't seen you in 20 years could give the impression your most productive days are behind you.
How are you going to make use of your most creative time if it turns out to be while you're commuting, during your workout, or as you drift off to sleep.
You are the most inventive people in the world, as is shown by thestatistics of your Patent Office. You have more inventions than any other country;
The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods in my life.
The junior analyst in IT could be your most creative copywriter, but when relegated to coding all day, she may never have a chance to collaborate in a way that can deliver the most to a project.
科技、娱乐、设计的英文首字母缩写,是一个年会的名称。 这个年会召集全球最优秀、最有创造力的思想家,就各自所在的专业领域进行演讲。TED的入场券那是一票难求、极其珍贵。
Short for Technology Entertainment and Design, TED is a set of annual conferences that brings together some of the world's best and brightest thinkers to deliver talks on their realms of expertise.
Start your days with your most creative, important tasks, and everything will seem easy after that.
Along the way, you will have had some of the most creative employees, some of the most productive employees, and the lowest employee costs in your market.
I am optimistic about our economy, because people like you have shown time and again that Americans are the most industrious, creative, and enterprising people in the world.
Describe the work environment or culture in which you were most productive and happy.
And in the end, the most creative and sound solutions will emerge.
Clifford Wong is one of the most creative and successful individuals that I have had the good fortune of working together with.
Clifford Wong is one of the most creative and successful individuals that I have had the good fortune of working together with.