The engineering application of plate-fin heat exchangers has been discussed.
A technical development of developing, designing and manufacturing of plate fin heat exchanger for petroleum and chemical engineering are described.
Presents the core part structure, heat and mass transfer mechanism, and application conditions of the heat exchanger.
The product has been exported to U. S. A. It marks the advanced technical level of Chinas plate fin heat exchanger in the world.
Comparation on the performances of the plate-fin and tube heat exchanger is made according to the base datas from power plant.
Evaluation methods to heat transfer enhancement performance in shell of shell and tube heat exchanger;
The optimizing software and the database of fins are universal and can be used for general optimum design of heat exchangers.
The cause of externally applied pipe load to brazed aluminum heat exchanger and the necessity of calculating allowable pipe load are analyzing.
This paper describes data processing, mathematical models, calculation methods and flowcharts in the heat transfer calculation for multi - fluid plate-fin heat exchangers.
A database of fins has been set up for selecting the optimal type of fins eas...
This approach, illustrated by an example of plate-fish heat exchanger is also practical for the engineering design of general machinery in which multi-objective problem should be considered.
The results obtained from the optimum calculation show that the heat transfer area is reduced obviously under the given constraint conditions.
The objective of this paper is to study the effects of different inlet angles on the distribution performance of distributor.
In this paper, the study was focused on plate-fin oil cooler whose heat transfer element is hackle fin, and used ANSYS software to optimize the hackle fin on the basis of optimization theory.
In this paper, two kinds of structural types of air-precooled heat exchangers, plate-fin and tube bundle, chosen and used for composite engines are suggested.
In this paper, two kinds of structural types of air-precooled heat exchangers, plate-fin and tube bundle, chosen and used for composite engines are suggested.