Economical wet and dry vacuum cleaner with an extensive range of standard accessories.
This tool has complete normative appurtenances and especially appurtenances for consumer's choices.
Cambar with sealed-in cold plate and 5 button pre-mix soda gun, standar accessories and upgraded DE 'co package.
Virtual attachments have the same look-and-feel as standard Notes attachments, with the advantage of minimizing the standard attachment overhead to the Domino application.
Some of the toolkits supports the SOAP with Attachments specification standard.
Learn how to send large binary attachments using the MTOM standard.
A standard handler, provided by WSE, takes care of packaging these attachments with the outgoing message.
A little over two months ago they wisely decided to adopt SOAP With Attachments as their messaging standard.
与JAX -RPC处理程序——用于JAX - RPC扩展的标准机制相结合,使用SAAJ获得对于附件处理的通用支持。
Combined with the JAX-RPC handlers — a standard mechanism for JAX-RPC extensibility, usage of SAAJ allows for generic support for attachments processing.
One of the most interesting features of AXIOM is its built-in support for the W3C XOP and MTOM standards used in the latest version of SOAP attachments.
Submissions, addressing the topic of agricultural diversification and crop alternatives to tobacco, must not exceed five (5) pages (standard size paper and type), including attachments.
This is based on the SOAP With Attachments standard (see Resources).
简单地说,包含swaref类型的元素,附件就成为模式中标准的WS - i元素。
In a nutshell, with a swaRef-typed element, attachments become another standard WS-I element in the schema.
在一个大的组织(附件的WS - I规范成为一个企业标准)或者在一个跨几个公司的应用程序中,使用swaref类型的元素可能成为一项需求。
In a large corporation, where this WS-I specification on attachments is a corporate standard or in an application spanning several corporations, use of the swaRef-typed element might be a requirement.
Attachment verification points return a Pass status when all of the criteria for an attachment match the expected criteria specified in the verification point test element.
Attachment verification points return a Pass status when all of the criteria of an attachment match the expected criteria specified in the verification point test element.
Manufacture of medicinal gases should comply with the basic requirements of GMP, with applicable annexes, Pharmacopoeial standards and the following detailed guidelines.
Become the process owner for electrical wire harness repair process such as creating standard work procedure, developing new capability electrical components, employee training, troubleshooting etc.
Position indicator with NAMUR is convenient for mounting accessories such as Limit Switch box, Positioner and so on.
Using approved assessment tools such as quality of life indicators and standard rapid questionnaires (see annexures) are advised for assessment during first 30 days.
Every item shall include a standard complement of accessories and special tools to ensure the normal operation.
Different accessories, igniter and configurations are required for different test standard. Please specify standards required.
In compliance with German DIN6527, DIN6528 and other international standards, our company specializes in producing plain mill, ball-end-mill etc.
Position indicator with namur is convenient for mounting accessories such as limit switch box positioner and so on.
ANSYS mechanical and ANSYS Structural products assist in identifying stresses that develop during the standard mechanical loading of telecom enclosures.
The trustee shall, within the agreed service period hereof, be responsible for complete the technical services that exhibit in Appendix 1.
"Specifications" shall mean the specifications and performance standards of the Equipment as set forth in Annex 2.
In order to determine the standard market size for liquid shares, those shares shall be grouped into classes in terms of the average value of orders executed in accordance with Table 3 in Annex II.
In order to determine the standard market size for liquid shares, those shares shall be grouped into classes in terms of the average value of orders executed in accordance with Table 3 in Annex II.