The approximate distribution of Fisher's statistics for exponential sample is given.
A method of detection of outliers from the exponential distribution is given by sample fractile to construct test statistics.
As for those statistical indicators needed to use sample survey to attain data this article discusses program of drawing sample and constructing estimator simply.
In the empirical part, this paper takes 136 private listed companies in 2002 for example. The empirical part analyzes the status of private listed companies by econometrics.
The small sample properties of the tests are investigated by Monte Carlo simulation experiments and real data is analyzed for illustration.
区分量化(描述性的)和分析(推断性的)研究的区别; 区分总体参数和样本统计量的区别。
Distinguish between enumerative (descriptive) and analytical (inferential) studies, and distinguish between a population parameter and a sample statistic.
Based on this problem, this article selects the sample points by constructing statistics. First, it removes the outliers to have a relatively reasonable sample space.
However, when the shape parameter is larger than 1, we only obtain that the minima is larger and maxima is smaller in stochastic order.
本文上要讨论多组样本下GL -统计量的渐近分布。
In this paper, we attempt to get the approximate distribution of multi-sample GL-statistic.
本文上要讨论多组样本下GL -统计量的渐近分布。
In this paper, we attempt to get the approximate distribution of multi-sample GL-statistic.