Russian woman Svetlana Pankratova has, according to Guinness World Records, the longest legs of any woman in the world.
Guinness World Records says the previous record holder for a bridge over water is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana.
According to the Guinness World Records, the world's largest wedding cake weighed 6.818 tones and was made by chefs at a hotel in Connecticut in the USA.
The world's heaviest baby was born in 1879 in Ohio and weighed 23.8 pounds (10.8 kg), but the baby died 11 hours later, according to Guinness world Records.
The largest shoes Wessels has made so far were a size 69 for Matthew McGrory, who has the world's biggest feet, according to the Guinness world Records.
The largest shoes Wessels has made so far were a size 69 for Matthew McGrory, who has the worlds biggest feet, according to the Guinness world Records.
The largest shoes Wessels has made so far were a size 69 for Matthew McGrory, who has the worlds biggest feet, according to the Guinness world Records.