If the improvement in case-finding between 2002 and 2003 can be maintained, the case detection rate will be 60% in 2005.
Thus, in a population of women, more cancers are found the first year they are screened than would be found each year without screening, accounting for a sudden jump in incidence.
The move came after spot checks in the city's supermarkets found that 75.8% of the shopping baskets were contaminated with mold and 16.7% carried coliform bacteria.
Meanwhile, 16 cases were found with body surface two-dimensional echocardiography, and the checkout rate was 15.5%.
The formaldehyde content is relatively high in dry aquatic products and its detection rate is 100%.
Asymptomatic paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) was tested in 1128 cases of heart disease by 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiography, and was discovered in 279 cases, examination rate is 24.7%.
Results: 31 Abnormal chromosome was found in 240 couples, accounting to 12.9%.
Result The incidences of hematuria and proteinuria after excercise test were significantly higher than those of morning samples, and 1 case of naked eye hematuria was found.
Conclusion MRI is high sensitivity in diagnosis of knee joint injure. Especially, more microscopic lesion can be detected because of application of all kinds of sequence.
The results show that children in divorced families have a high rate of behavior problems and these problems are significantly related to their mothers' rearing patterns.
Conventional ECG detected a higher rate of reproducibility, and cardiovascular disease for the elderly early detection, early diagnosis, screening high-risk patients is important.
Results: Compared with the control group, the incidences of reduction of white blood cells and platelets and lenseopacity in the exposed group were significantly higher(P<0.001);
Results: Compared with the control group, the incidences of reduction of white blood cells and platelets and lenseopacity in the exposed group were significantly higher(P<0.001);