It is demonstrated that the function is equal to the probability density function and several examples of the relative distribution function are given.
Equations of mass, momentum and second moments for particulate phase are derived from a particle PDF (probability distribution function) equation in dilute turbulent sediment-laden flows.
The probability density function (PDF) is constructed from the time distributions of signal and backgrounds and the relations among time, time uncertainty, mass, and mass difference variables.
The loads and the distribution of stress amplitude frequency are obtained by cycle count and reliable data for fatigue design are provided by probability density function fit.
An introduction is Made of the method of using the weight of probability density function of error distribution law to conduct anti-error estimation.
The method not only would be effective to describe the inter-frame correlation information, but overcome tie of the state probability density function being mixture Gauss distribution.
The continuous ion exchange process was analysed through the concept of probability density and conversion distribution function.
We can talk about the wave function squared, the probability density, or we can talk about the radial probability distribution.
The probability density function, cumulative distribution function, average level crossing rate and average fade duration of each composite fading channel are analyzed, and some uniform expression.
Based on the theory of random field, this paper derives the random area unit's distribution and probability density functions.
Because the probability density function of MQAM signal obeys L-S distribution, so it may construct the algorithm of discerning with L-S distribution.
The distribution function of crack length at given time can be calculated by integration of the initial crack length distribution and the transition function of Markoff process.
Besides, considering the fact that peer's recommended trust is affected by many factors, we introduce normal probability density function to analyze the stability of the peer's trustworthiness.
This paper analyzes the probability density distribution of the non-soluble deposit density, and hence deduces a combined probability density distribution function.
SLC uses a multiplayer network to estimate the distribution function of the training samples and obtains density by taking derivative.
Two data processing methods, one analogue method and the other digital, were employed in order to obtain the profiles of mean velocity and turbulent intensity.
Two data processing methods, one analogue method and the other digital, were employed in order to obtain the profiles of mean velocity and turbulent intensity.