• 然而,相同条件缺氧时,一旦温度氧气水平恢复正常,66%酵母菌和97%的蠕虫见到明天的太阳。

    But if first deprived of oxygen, 66 percent of the yeast and 97 percent of the worms lived to see another day once temperature and oxygen levels were returned to normal..


  • 同时除去简单耐用特点,感应发动机最大优点一直能够温度大幅度变化的环境正常运作。

    Meanwhile, the induction motor's big advantageapart from its simplicity and ruggednesshas always been its ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.


  • 同时异步电动机的优点除了结构简单强度好外,异步电动机还温度大幅度变化环境正常工作。

    Meanwhile, the induction motor’s big advantage—apart from its simplicity and ruggedness—has always been its ability to tolerate a wide range of temperatures.


  • 正常情况树木抵御污染最佳卫士,但是外界温度过高时,树木自身防御机制实际上可能会令污染状况恶化。

    Normally, trees are the best defence against pollution; but when it's too hot outside, the trees' own self-defence mechanism may actually make things worse.


  • 正常气化炉同样工作温度使用二氧化碳能提高固体燃料合成气转化率

    Working at the same temperature as a normal gasifier, using CO2 means a better conversion of solid fuel into syngas.


  • 今年冬天,可怜小家伙的燃料不足以维持加热器正常运转了,于是内部温度骤降华氏零67

    This winter, the game little unit just doesn’t have enough juice to keep its heaters on, so temperatures inside the rover will plunge to a frigid –67 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 科学家们不同温度条件测定了4000真菌的生长情况,他们发现这些真菌在华氏86(按:人的正常体温是华氏98度)以生长良好

    Scientists measured how well 4, 000 different fungi fared at different temperatures. They found that nearly all grow well up to about 86 degrees.


  • 科学家们不同温度条件测定了4000真菌的生长情况,他们发现这些真菌在华氏86(按:人的正常体温是华氏98度)以生长良好

    Scientists measured how well 4,000 different fungi fared at different temperatures. They found that nearly all grow well up to about 86 degrees.


  • 正常温度蒸汽流量经过一个令人满意干燥过程,可以得到好的干燥效果。

    After a satisfactory dry run at normal temperature and steam flow, a run with tobacco can be considered.


  • 这种金属咖啡豆名为Coffee Joulies,它能用正常情况3的速度把饮品降到适宜饮用的温度保持这一温度

    The beans, called Coffee Joulies, cool down your beverage to a drinkable temperature 3 times faster than normal, and then maintain that temperature.


  • 这些交联剂于正常槽液温度水中稳定固化温度就变得活泼起来。

    These crosslinkers are stable in water at normal bath temperature but become reactive at curing temperatures.


  • 正常情况它们25摄氏度孵育,如果环境温度上升37摄氏度,则孵化出的果蝇红色眼睛

    If the surrounding temperature of the embryos, which are normally nurtured at 25 degrees Celsius, is briefly raised to 37 degrees Celsius, the flies later hatch with red eyes.


  • 仪器正常工作状态打开箱门时间长,关上箱门后暂时箱内温度有些变动正常现象。

    When the instrument is working normally, if the door is opened for a long time, the temperature in the cabinet may be changed temporarily when the door is closed again, this is normal.


  • 仪器正常工作状态打开箱门时间过长关上箱门后暂时箱内温度有些变动正常现象。

    When the instrument is working normally, if the door is opened for a long time, the temperature in the oven may be changed temporarily when the door is closed again, this is normal.


  • 预烧过程升温中断较低温度反复预烧不利于正常相变

    The breaks in heating and pre-sintering repeatedly at low temperature are unfavourable to phase transformation.


  • 矿用自卸车不同环境温度启动压力损失进行了分析研究,得出柴油机不能正常启动的缘由提出启动的合理化建议。

    Pressure loss in the starting air circuit is analyzed for the mine dumper at different ambient temperature. The author finds why the engine starts in an abnormal way and how to keep th pressure.


  • 发明涉及一种摄像装置特别是可以复杂环境温度保持正常工作摄像机

    The invention relates to a shooting device, in particular to a camera which can still maintain normal working at the complicated environmental temperature.


  • 曲线数据表所示真空泵正常温度运行

    Curves and tables refer to vacuum pump at normal operating temperature.


  • 试样高温强度能够我们更好地选择那些必须高于正常温度起作用的密封剂

    The strength of the sample at high temperatures allows for better selection of sealants that must perform at temperatures above normal.


  • 滚筒烘干正常低温烘干机低温设置最高温度常规使用

    Tumble dry, normal, low heat a machine dryer may be regularly used at a maximum of low heat setting.


  • 液体开始流动通过发动机预热然后正常行驶条件高效率温度

    This will allow fluids to begin flowing through the engine and then warm up to efficient temperatures under normal driving conditions.


  • 今年冬天,可怜小家伙的燃料不足以维持加热器正常运转于是内部温度骤降华氏零67

    This winter, the game little unit just doesn't have enough juice to keep its heaters on, so temperatures inside the rover will plunge to a frigid -67 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • 早熟甜瓜新品种,温度光照正常条件开花商品采收22左右

    Extremely premature thin skin, in temperature and melon new light normal conditions, from flower to commodity melon harvest about 22 days or so.


  • 二硅化钼电热元件电阻随着温度升高迅速增加。 在正常操作情况,元件电阻一般使用时间长短而变化

    The resistivity of element rapidly rises as the temperature rises, under normal operating conditions , generally the element resistance doesn't change with the service time changing.


  • 一定冲击震动较高温度有灰尘等恶劣环境正常工作

    It can work under certain shock, vibrating, high temperature or dusty environment.


  • 通过回归理论估计贮存退化模型参数,并用所建模型用EMR正常温度应力贮存寿命进行了预测。

    Parameters of the storage degradation model are estimated through the regression theory, and the storage life of missile EMR under normal stress is predicted.


  • 普通调节器过低温度容易发生自流漏气如果试着将调节器一级头埋在冰块里面,你会发现很可能无法正常工作。

    Free flows due to regulator freeze-up are caused primarily when ice forming around the mechanicals of a regulator first-stage disallows it from functioning properly.


  • 检验系统误码性能良好,常温误码率达到了10 - 10,并且工业级温度能稳定正常的工作。

    Through verification, our system has good performance and BER reaches 10-10 in the normal temperature.


  • 剧烈环境温度冲击探测器正常工作

    The detectors can be operated properly even under strong impact of ambient temperature.


  • 剧烈环境温度冲击探测器正常工作

    The detectors can be operated properly even under strong impact of ambient temperature.


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