It can be used for the large kit production of the oil Fried peanut line.
Now, this is your boiled shrimps with salt and this is your fried peanut, Madam and Sir.
In the Greek candy-store was the whine of a peanut-roaster, and the oil smell of nuts.
He sells Fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Fried pickles, Fried jellybeans, Fried candy bars and even Fried lasagna. He has 35 items on the menu.
上班油炸花生米:淡淡的香。 只能一颗一颗地慢慢品尝,当你吃烦了,想换一道其他的耐吃的菜,结果换上来的其实只是水煮花生米。
working Fried Peanants:there is light smell of it ,u have to finish it one by one,when u r bored of it and turn to another better dish,it comes out that the next one is spolied peanants
Tempeh, which is made of fermented soybeans, and oncom, a fermented food made from the by-products of tofu, peanut presscake and cassava, are deep fried as chips in Indonesia.
They are in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, such as peanut butter and items prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and vegetable oil.
Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, Fried tofu, sea weeds, clam, octopus, catfish, etc.
The processing of peanut such as roast and fry in the foreign countries were introduced, and peanut hulls was utilized.
The optimal condition for deep fry of cho-peanut bean and roasting of chocolate powder and optimum formulation for chocolate powder were studied by orthogonal experiment.
The production process of salt roasted peanut includes removing epidermis, oil fried, adding flavourings and so on.
The production process of salt roasted peanut includes removing epidermis, oil fried, adding flavourings and so on.