• 东华理工大学测绘工程学院

    Paculty of Geomatics, East China Institute of Technology;


  • 5个本科专业分别土木工程理论应用力学测绘工程安全工程道路桥梁与渡河工程

    The 5 bachelor's degree programs are Civil Engineering, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (science), Surveying and Mapping Engineering, Safety Engineering and Road and Bridge Engineering.


  • 本文阐述教学计划培养计划区别以及我校测绘工程专业培养计划主要内容计划制定根据

    The article expounds the difference between teaching plan and fostering plan, the content and foundation of the fostering plan of Engineering Specialty of Surveying and Mapping.


  • 大地测量学基础测绘工程专业骨干课程专业基础课程之一,在学科体系中占有相当重要的地位。

    The fundamentals of geodesy are an important and main fundamental course for geodesy, geomatics, geophysics, surveying engineering, and photogrammetry.


  • 实践证明通过深入开展地形课程教学改革研究实践,有效地推动测绘工程专业专业建设

    Practices prove that it can boost the major construction of surveying engineering effectively through developing study and practices of the teaching innovation on "Topographical Mapping".


  • 测绘工程虚拟现实技术提供理论方法数据基础技术作为下一世纪测绘保障的手段而给予重视和开发。

    The engineering of surveying and mapping can supply theory, means and data bases for virtual reality. and must regard the technology as a new surveying and mapping service...


  • 测绘工程虚拟现实技术提供理论方法数据基础技术作为下一世纪测绘保障的手段给予重视和开发。

    The engineering of surveying and mapping can supply theory, means and data bases for virtual reality. and must regard the technology as a new surveying and mapping service way which sh...


  • 本文介绍了我校测绘工程专业教学计划中的人才培养目标培养要求课程设置模块及其特点,对本专业数门主干课内容优化作了探讨。

    The article introduces the object and request of talent training, the plan and specialty of course, the optimization of specialty content of engineering of surveying and mapping.


  • 这些工程实施都是建立测绘工作基础

    The implementation of these projects are built on the basis of the work on the mapping.


  • 摘要当今建筑其他施工工程需要进行必要测绘

    Abstract: today's building and other construction engineering need to make the necessary surveying and mapping.


  • 其中大幅工程扫描仪国内外需求相比更大,它主要用于实现军事测绘建筑一些特殊领域工程图纸数字化

    The big breadth engineering scanner as one of these devices is mainly used to implement the digital of some special fields such as military affairs, mapping, architecture and so on.


  • 因此如何进行地图数据质量控制就成为军事测绘数字信息工程一个十分重要问题

    Therefore how to perform the map data quality control becomes a very important problem in the digital information engineering of military surveying and mapping.


  • 掌上型GPS可以快捷准确地进行野外实地查勘获工程测绘,以及绘作业生产生活中得到了广泛的应用。

    Palm GPS can rapidly and accurately conduct field location-survey to get engineering mapping and conduct boat measurement annotation, widely used in daily life.


  • 广泛应用数字城市地形测绘地理信息系统医学工程文物保护、机器人导航等各个行业。

    And it has been widely applied in digital city, topographic mapping, geographic information system, medical engineering, preservation of cultural relics and robotic navigation.


  • 通过工程实例介绍数字化技术水库库区地形图测绘中的应用

    This paper discusses the method of digital mapping in surveying and mapping of topographic map by employing an actual example.


  • 介绍了数字化测绘技术中的原图数字化、数字测图、数字摄影测量几个方面水利水电工程测量实践中的应用体会经验。

    Applications of digital survey technique in survey of water resources and hydropower projects and experience on existing map digitalization, digital mapping, and digital photogrammetry are introduced.


  • 从而解决了任一形状齿轮设计减少工程测绘带来的误差

    Thus the design of the non circular gear with the property of bulge shape is resolved, which decreases the engineering measurement error.


  • 建筑测绘文物保护的其中方法准确地把历史建筑结构建筑特色记录下来作为日后修缮工程参考

    Cartographic survey is an important way to preserve our heritage. It records the architectural structures and features of buildings precisely and ACTS as a reference for future restoration projects.


  • 流程包括外业全站测绘业用复合线点,测量面积绘制地籍表格、线编辑、点编辑、区编辑保存工程文件工作环节,并就工作中应注意的相关问题作了说明

    The process include showing the point measured by Total Station, linking the point in interior job, measuring the area, drawing the excel, editing the line , point, area and saving the project file.


  • 施工放样测绘专业核心工作现代工程建设发挥重要作用

    Construction stake out the core work of surveying and mapping professional to play an important role in the construction of modern engineering.


  • 摘要随着测绘科技飞速发展工程测量技术面貌发生深刻的变化取得很大的成就。

    Abstract: : with the surveying and mapping the rapid development of science and technology, engineering survey technology face had the profound changes, and has made a lot of progress.


  • 测绘监理制度引入及其工程测绘土地调查项目的应用,测绘项目质量起到监督作用

    By introducing the surveying and mapping supervision system into engineering surveying and land investigation, it played the supervision role in the quality control of surveying and mapping project.


  • 地质编录测绘重要水利水电工程施工地质工作一项主要内容,一般地质编录测绘需要完成工程地质图图幅。

    Geological recording and plotting is one of the main tasks in the construction geology of water conservancy projects.


  • 水利水电工程施工过程常常需要获得一些小范围DTM数据用于地形测绘开挖形态监测工程土石方量计算

    In construction of hydroelectric project, small range DTM data are often needed for topographic surveying, mapping, excavated form detection, earthwork calculation and so on.


  • 充分有效地应用测绘技术可以大大地提高土木工程自动化程度,可以很好地控制施工质量

    If we apply the new technique survey sufficiently and effectively, we could promote the degree of automation in civil engineering greatly and control the quality of constructing well.


  • 通过工程实例介绍数字化技术水库库区地形图测绘中的应用。

    This paper discusses the method of digital mapping in surveying and mapping of topographic map by an actual example.


  • 而在测绘仪器使用为了保证工程质量,对测绘仪器的检定工作就显的尤为重要

    The calibration of instrument is very important for the quality of the project before we make use of the instrument.


  • 而在测绘仪器使用为了保证工程质量,对测绘仪器的检定工作就显的尤为重要

    The calibration of instrument is very important for the quality of the project before we make use of the instrument.


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