Firstly, mermaid, zombies, blackbeard, the pirate all pirates fear.
Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.
Tufts of grass dot the shores of Ocracoke Island, site of an early European settlement and still home to descendants of the pirate Blackbeard.
Even in retirement, however, Blackbeard couldn't give up being a pirate and soon fell, once again, into the habit of plundering ships.
Often, Blackbeard would simply let his reputation precede him, said Pat Croce, owner of the St. Augustine Pirate &Treasure Museum in Florida.
Often, Blackbeard would simply let his reputation precede him, said Pat Croce, owner of the St. Augustine Pirate & Treasure Museum in Florida.
黑胡子,原名叫爱德华·迪奇,他不仅仅是《加勒比海盗4 -惊涛怪浪》中的主要反派人物,还是最先在海盗船上使用白色骷髅海盗旗的最传奇的海盗。
Blackbeard, born Edward Teach, is not only the principle antagonist in "pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides." he's also one of the most legendary pirates ever to fly the Jolly Roger.
Eventually blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning hiscrew and settling in the american colonies.
With victory assured, Maynard placed Blackbeard's head at the bow of his ship as a trophy and warning to other would-be pirates.
Eventually Blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning his crew and settling in the American colonies.
Eventually Blackbeard even tried to retire from his pirating ways after receiving a pardon, selling his booty, abandoning his crew and settling in the American colonies.