• 液压升降机停止较长时间轮胎温度较低时进行检查。

    After the hydraulic lift stops for a long time, the tire temperature is lower.


  • 1845年,第一液压升降机诞生当时使用液体为

    In 1845, the first hydraulic lift was born, when the use of liquid water.


  • GTC—F型液压升降机神舟”号飞船试验对接现场工作

    A group of GTC-F model hydraulic elevator is working on "Magic Boat" aeroboat experimentalbutting site.


  • 液压升降机使用过程严禁超载起升下降过程中平台作业人员不得移动

    Guide rail type elevator is strictly prohibited in the process of overload, in the process of lifting the platform on the operator may not move.


  • 一旦积雪过厚液压升降机可以以每次25.4厘米的速度将整座建筑抬升层楼的高度。

    When drifts get too high, hydraulic lifts can raise the building another two stories in 10-inch increments.


  • 许多类型液压升降机机构设备依赖某种形式液压升降机机构液压控制系统包括飞机航天船舶

    Many types of hydraulic lift mechanism devices rely on some form of hydraulic lift mechanism for hydraulic control systems, including aircraft and aerospace ships.


  • 比如购买绝缘液压升降机建造停放库房的投资额露天作业环境作业性能影响大下雨大雾不能作业。

    Such as the purchase of insulation type hydraulic elevator parking storehouse construction investment big, open work environment impact on job performance, rain fog can not work.


  • 作业人员进入液压升降机关闭护栏插上插销,系上安全载荷中心尽量处于工作台面的中心位置

    Close the door guardrail workers into the elevator guide rail, plug, attached to a safety rope, the load center should as far as possible in the center position of the working table.


  • 便携式-垂直侧面皮带输送机配有液压升降机横向进料45倾斜横向排放输送氧化亚铁达小时25

    Portable - flow vertical sidewall belt conveyor with hydraulic lift , horizontal in-feed, 45 degree incline and horizontal discharge, conveying ferrous oxide at 25 tons per hour.


  • 介绍YBY01车用装卸液压升降机结构组成工作原理提出了YBY01型车用装卸液压升降机设计要点。

    The paper introduces the structure and work principle of YBY01 vehicle-used loading and unloading hydraulic elevator and puts forward the designing process.


  • 本次设计题目液压升降机的设计,主要包括三个部分内容主机的设计,液压系统的设计,控制部分的设计。

    This design topic is the entire plunger elevator design, it mainly includes three partial contents: Host computer design, hydraulic system design, control section design.


  • 液压升降机使用液压组成部分通常部分活塞活塞杆、缸筒和缸盖缓冲装置密封装置、排气装置。

    The use of hydraulic cylinder in hydraulic elevator, the part usually has five parts: piston and piston rod, cylinder and cylinder head, buffer device, sealing device and exhaust device.


  • 然后解决通往塔顶老式液压升降机问题。这种升降机冬天结冰不能使用而且这种升降机上升到一半吊舱。

    Then came the question of the old hydraulic elevator to the top that could not be used in winter for fear the water would freeze, and that required changing cabins halfway up.


  • 根据特种设备目录》,随车起重机属于起重机械流动式起重机代码为4490,液压升降平台车则属于起重机械中的升降机类,代码为4890。

    According to the "special equipment directory", lorry crane which belongs to a hoisting machine in mobile crane, code 4490, and the hydraulic lifting platform vehicle is in crane lift type, code 4890.


  • 一根1.5空心圆柱状设备可以利用升降机穿梭液压挖掘机打通的给养通道

    This is a 1.5 m long hollow cylinder apparatus, can use the elevator shuttle to hydraulic excavator through food channel.


  • 车载式轮椅自动升降机动力选择方面,可以采用液压传动气压传动、电动推杆电机等方式。

    On the choice of power, the vehicle mounted wheelchair can use hydraulic drive, pneumatic drive, electric push rod and electric motor.


  • 液压升降机升降过程中的动力来源传动方式,液压传动固然离不开重要部位液压油缸

    Hydraulic pressure refers to the lift in the process of power source and transmission, hydraulic transmission is the most important part of the hydraulic cylinder.


  • 本文其吊机升降机配合作业特点进行分析简介液压系统电气系统

    This paper analysed the characteristic of the matching operation of crane and elevator, and presented its hydraulic and electric systems.


  • 4该机配套自动脱模装置皮带输送机料斗升降机液压车。

    4 . this machine has accessory automatic stripping apparatus , belt conveyer , storage hopper , elevator , hydraulic station and hackbarrow.


  • 各种液压机械制造行业升降机、升降制造行业汽车制造、船舶制造、航空航天行业其它各行各业要求之动力系统

    Applied in manufacturing of various hydraulic machinery, elevators and elevator platforms, automobiles, ships and aerospace, as well as power system for other industries and sectors.


  • 紧凑型RT剪式升降机采用更加常规液压传动系统,其单独车轮电动机机器相反角落处采用双回路装置传动。

    The compact RT scissors use a more conventional hydrostatic drive system, with individual wheel motors plumbed into two circuits uniting drive flow on opposite corners of the machine.


  • 产品广泛应用各种机械滑动部位,如印刷机、升降机纺织机械、健身器、液压搬运车、微电机、电磁阀、汽车、摩托车家庭机械

    DU is widely applied in various sliding articles of different kind of machines such as textile machines, tobacco machines, hydraulic vehicles, automobiles agri machines and forests machines and So.


  • 产品广泛应用各种机械滑动部位,如印刷机、升降机纺织机械、健身器、液压搬运车、微电机、电磁阀、汽车、摩托车家庭机械

    DU is widely applied in various sliding articles of different kind of machines such as textile machines, tobacco machines, hydraulic vehicles, automobiles agri machines and forests machines and So.


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