• 人们总是其他演员弄混。

    People often mix me up with other actors.


  • 演员照片装点着餐馆墙壁

    Photographs of actors decorated the walls of the restaurant.


  • 有的演员从来不看自己的戏。

    Some actors never watch themselves on screen.


  • 继续追求成为演员目标

    He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an actor.


  • 先是演员后来开始执导影片

    He began as an actor, before starting to direct films.


  • 成为演员之前受过师资培训。

    He trained as a teacher before becoming an actor.


  • 父母试图阻止去当演员

    His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor.


  • 演员退场灯光便亮了起来。

    As the actors exited the stage the lights went on.


  • 突然所有演员非常反感

    He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.


  • 电影业对女演员来说机会有限

    Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses.


  • 多数演员都会偶尔念错台词

    Most actors fluff their lines occasionally.


  • 内行认为将获最佳演员

    The smart money is on him for the best actor award.


  • 无疑糟糕的电视演员

    He has (got) to be the worst actor on TV!


  • 那时还是年轻演员初出茅庐

    At that time he was a young actor, just getting his feet wet.


  • 干错行了,你本该演员

    You missed your vocation—you should have been an actor.


  • 演员们的热情鼓舞孩子们

    The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.


  • 获得最佳演员的提名。

    He was nominated (as) best actor.


  • 摄影机演员拉近了。

    The camera zoomed in on the actor's face.


  • 报上文章这位演员带来极大痛苦

    The newspaper article caused the actor considerable distress.


  • 适合的职业就是演员

    Her vocation is her work as an actress.


  • 演员热情鼓舞孩子们

    The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.


  • 演员必须学会放开声音。

    Actors must learn to project their voices.


  • 这些演员是戏装打扮

    The actors were still in costume and make-up.


  • 饰演父亲演员呆板

    The actor playing the father was too wooden.


  • 获得最佳演员提名。

    He was nominated for the best actor award.


  • 作为演员得很惨。

    He failed miserably as an actor.


  • 以前一直演员吗?

    Did you always want to be an actor?


  • 渴望成为演员

    I yearned to be an actor.


  • 是个差劲的演员

    He was a poor actor.


  • 出身演员世家

    He comes from a family of actors.


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