Most attempts to explain a hot Jupiter's existence envision it forming farther away, then migrating inward.
In addition to searching for transiting low-mass planets, John will also measure and refine the physical properties of hot Jupiters detected by wide-field transit searches.
But these oddballs are nothing compared with what astronomers are seeing with six newly discovered planets known as hot Jupiters.
During this period of irregularity, which may have lasted millions of years, any rocky inner world sitting in the path of the hot Jupiter and its new orbit would have been obliterated.
The majority of exoplanets discovered so far are bloated, fast-spinning gas giants, known as "hot Jupiters," that orbit extremely close to their stars and are thus probably unsuitable for life.
Of the 429 exoplanets discovered to date, 89 have been hot Jupiters, likely because their large size and proximity to their stars makes them easier to spot by current techniques.
最新研究结果显示,一颗名为WASP - 12b、距离地球1200光年、质量为木星1.4倍的系外行星适合生命存在,尽管热了一点。
An exoplanet, called WASP-12b which is about 1, 200 light years from Earth and 1.4 times the mass of Jupiter has been considered suitable for life existence, although a little hot.
最新研究结果显示,一颗名为WASP - 12b、距离地球1200光年、质量为木星1.4倍的系外行星适合生命存在,尽管热了一点。
An exoplanet, called WASP-12b which is about 1,200 light years from Earth and 1.4 times the mass of Jupiter has been considered suitable for life existence, although a little hot.
最新研究结果显示,一颗名为WASP - 12b、距离地球1200光年、质量为木星1.4倍的系外行星适合生命存在,尽管热了一点。
An exoplanet, called WASP-12b which is about 1,200 light years from Earth and 1.4 times the mass of Jupiter has been considered suitable for life existence, although a little hot.