The effects of traffic bottlenecks using an extended LWR model are dealt with.
Alsophila spinulosa possibility experienced severe bottleneck effect during its evolution.
Marois found evidence of a "response selection bottleneck" that occurs when the brain is forced to respond to several stimuli at once.
Low nucleotide diversity (0.136%) was found indicating a bottleneck effect during ice ages.
The relations between the photolysis frequency and the dissociation threshold and between the bottleneck effect and the molecular structure have been discussed.
The existing technology and system of vulnerability detecting, however, have difficulties on dealing with network crossing, interceptor crossing and bottle-neck effect, etc.
But owing to the bottleneck effect of amount and structure of human capital, there has been structural contradiction between regional industrial structure and human capital in Yibin.
As traffic levels increase, such point-to-point flights are less prone to bottlenecks than classic hub-and-spoke systems.
Objective To study the effect of the preparation of blood composition "bottleneck", and eliminate the bottleneck effect on blood component preparation process influence.
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del., where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
Traffic had already backed up at the East Coast's perennial chokepoint: the Interstate 95 toll plaza in Newark, Del. , where construction is adding to the bottleneck.
Bottleneck effect and mutation-drift equilibrium tests indicated that the M. nipponense populations in the Lake did not suffer bottleneck effect, and had no decline in their quantity in recent time.
The rule of bill system, which has some bottleneck effect and objectively affects whether or not the bill will enter into legislation process and its ultimate fate.
由于通信消耗了上位微机大量的系统资源 ,这就影响了其他程序的正常运行 ,甚至可能进一步造成整个监控系统的瓶颈效应。
During communicating courses, many of the host computer's system resources are wasted. This is harmful to other programs, and even could be a chock point of the system.
Genetic variation is major study content in conservation genetics. In small population, genetic variation loss because of bottleneck effect, inbreeding, founder effect, and genetic drift.