• 墨西哥此举违反美国、加拿大和墨西哥达成北美自由贸易协定并且正在考虑进行报复

    Mexico says the move violates the U. S. -canada-mexico free trade agreement, NAFTA, and is considering retaliation.


  • 加拿大国际贸易部长议会秘书基迪这个指令违反美国、加拿大墨西哥签署北美自由贸易协定

    Canada's Parliamentary Secretary for International Trade, Gerald Keddy, says the mandate would violate the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico.


  • 不同美国退出庞大12国跨太平洋伙伴关系协定不同于川普批评过北美自由贸易协定

    It is unlike the huge 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership deal from which the U. S. withdrew, or the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which Trump has also criticized.


  • 川普竞选期间一直反对12个亚太国家组成TPP,他同时也反对美国加拿大墨西哥北美自由贸易协定

    Throughout his campaign for President Trump opposed the TPP, which involves 12 Asia-Pacific nations, as well as the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico.


  • 指出巴马北美自由贸易问题上两面三刀(一位奥巴马政策顾问加拿大保证说奥巴马不是真心撕毁北美自由贸易协定)。

    She skewered him for talking out of both sides of his mouth on NAFTA (an Obama adviser seemingly assured the Canadians that he was not really threatening to tear up the trade deal).


  • 北美自由贸易协定签订已经不止15了,现在墨西哥任务充分利用贸易协定,并且超越协定

    More than 15 years after NAFTA, the task for Mexico is to take full advantage of the trade agreement-and to go beyond it.


  • 但是一定程度巩固北美自由贸易协定支持

    But this was partly to shore up support for the North American Free-Trade Agreement.


  • 美国市场中,墨西哥份额增加12.2%,达到北美自由贸易协定生效以来最高水平

    Mexico’s share of the American market has grown to 12.2%—its highest level since NAFTA came into force.


  • 对于奥巴马在竞选期间北美自由贸易协定重新进行谈判承诺哈珀质疑没有解决非常复杂协议情况下是否可行。

    Mr.Harper also questioned whether the North American Free Trade agreement could be reopened, as Mr.Obama had pledged to do during the campaign, without 'unraveling what is a very complex agreement.


  • 老朋友理查兹州长招待我们也是北美自由贸易协定坚定支持者

    We were hosted by my longtime friend Governor Ann Richards, who was also a big supporter of NAFTA.


  • 作为候选人奥巴马批评北美自由贸易协定提出可能降低哥伦比亚贸易壁垒协定

    As a candidate, Obama criticized the North America Free Trade Agreement and proposed a deal that would have lowered barriers with Colombia.


  • 巴马重申了看法北美自由贸易协定有关环境劳工标准附加协议应纳入主协议框架,确保执行

    Mr.Obama reiterated his belief that Nafta side agreements on environmental and labor standards should be incorporated into the main agreement to ensure enforcement.


  • 北美自由贸易协定使得这个城市变成繁荣工业中心

    The North American Free-Trade Agreement turned the city into a booming industrial centre.


  • 告诉财富》杂志,北美自由贸易协定攻击有些“夸张过头”了;他表示希望墨西哥和加拿大展开对话否认单边退出说法。

    He told Fortune that his attacks on NAFTA were "overheated and amplified"; he wanted to "open up a dialogue" with Mexico and Canada, but disavowed the idea of unilateral withdrawal.


  • 北美自由贸易协定优势局限墨西哥北部出口行业一部分是因为南部运输连接很匮乏

    NAFTA’s benefits were largely confined to export industry in northern Mexico, in part because transport links farther south are poor.


  • 北美自由贸易协定优势局限墨西哥北部出口行业一部分是因为南部运输连接很匮乏

    NAFTA's benefits were largely confined to export industry in northern Mexico, in part because transport links farther south are poor.


  • 根据北美自由贸易协定美国允许墨西哥卡车穿越边境线此举结束了两国间长久争端

    The United States agreed to let trucks from Mexico operate across their border in accordance with the North American Free-Trade Agreement, ending a lengthy dispute.


  • 表示巴马并无提议重新磋商北美自由贸易协定希望审阅与此相关劳动力环境标准

    He said Mr Obama had not proposed renegotiating the North American Free-Trade Agreement but wanted to review Labour and environmental standards in the accord.


  • 可能关于北美自由贸易协定竞选宣言不过随便说说,但是指望这个来获胜,想法未免太疯狂

    Maybe campaign rhetoric about Nafta is nothing more than that. But counting on it requires, one might say, the audacity of hope.


  • 1994年引入北美自由贸易协定承诺到1995年美、墨两货车司机可邻国边境各州自由行驶,2000年可通行全国

    The North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA), introduced in 1994, promised each country's lorry-drivers the right to roam freely in the other's border states by 1995 and nationwide by 2000.


  • 预算相比,《北美自由贸易协定是场不同斗争

    NAFTA would be a very different fight from the budget.


  • 北美自由贸易协定使墨西哥高度依赖健康美国经济特别是一些跨境行业

    But NAFTA has left Mexico highly dependent on the health of the American economy, and on a few lines of cross-border business in particular.


  • 首先想像一下北美自由贸易协定产生单一市场如果底特律汽车工厂墨西哥国会阻止这件事却毫无办法,因为法律禁止这样做。

    First, imagine a NAFTA single market, with legal powers to ban congressional aid intended to stop a Detroit car factory moving to Mexico.


  • 北美自由贸易协定免除了墨西哥美国进口关税沉重打击了中国出口商

    NAFTA exempts Mexico from the American import tariffs that clobber Chinese exporters.


  • 经济学JaimeSerra20世纪19年代担任贸易部长参与谈判北美自由贸易协定,他指出目前墨西哥出口乘数效应非常

    Jaime Serra, an economist who as trade minister negotiated NAFTA in the early 1990s, points out that the multiplier effect of exports in Mexico is unusually low.


  • 8月19日是47生日在这天宣布来自芝加哥比尔·戴利成为我们北美自由贸易协定》特别工作组组长。

    On the nineteenth, my forty-seventh birthday, I announced that Bill Daley of Chicago would become the chair of our task force on the North American Free Trade Agreement.


  • 据克劳泽回忆,1994年北美自由贸易协定NAFTA)正式生效后不久,墨西哥南部萨帕塔主义者于元旦发动动乱,给协定带来乐观情绪蒙上一层阴影。

    Mr Krauze remembers that the optimism when the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into force in 1994 was quickly punctured by the Zapatista uprising in Mexico's south on New Year's Day.


  • 一年一度会议开始于年前旨在同周边国家通过北美自由贸易协定建立稳固关系。

    The annual meeting was started four years ago as a way for the neighboring countries to build on ties established by the North American Free Trade Agreement.


  • 一年一度会议开始于年前旨在同周边国家通过北美自由贸易协定建立稳固关系。

    The annual meeting was started four years ago as a way for the neighboring countries to build on ties established by the North American Free Trade Agreement.


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