In each case, I ran a simple program that measured the run time of a loop calling a method 10,000,000 times, calling both a synchronized and an unsynchronized version, and compared the results.
It compares the cost of a synchronized method call to an equivalent unsynchronized one in several different cases and on several different platforms and JVMs.
Number of waits and total wait time: the number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was waiting while invoking a method or service.
Number of blocks and total block time: the number of instances and total elapsed time when the thread was in a BLOCKED state while invoking a method or service.
One needs only to instantiate the class and invoke a desired method, and all the encoding handling and the generation of SOAP messages is handled from the proxy class.
This aspect surrounds method calls with bytecode that creates and stops a StopWatch instance.
The pattern has been easy enough: instantiate an object of type TextTestRunner, add tests and the outputter to it, and then invoke the run method.
This example shows you how to use EJB references to look up the client interface for the Person bean and invoke the custom create method.
为了在结构化类型的实例上调用mutator或observer方法,请使用双点(. .)运算符(清单1、清单2和清单3)。
To invoke a mutator or observer method on an instance of a structured type, use the double-dot (..) operator (Listings 1, 2, and 3).
In our case, you could find a generic function that creates the XMLHttpRequest instance and calls its open and send methods.
Close the interaction and then the connection by the calling the close method on instances of interaction and connection.
例如,如果使用第三方库,比如通过PHPExtensionandApplicationRepository (PEAR)可以使用的库,您将发现自己在实例化对象和调用方法。
For example, if you use a third-party library, such as those made available by PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR), you will find yourself instantiating objects and calling methods.
The remoting framework code on the server picks up this request, unmarshals the XML, extracts the component name, method, and arguments, then invokes the method on the server-side component instance.
对于此后端类型,UDPDMI的每个方法均包含查找目标EJB Home、获得实例和调用指定方法的代码。
With this backend type, each method of the UDPDMI contains code to lookup the home of the target EJB, obtain an instance, and to invoke the specified method.
在本节中,我们将创建ActionwebService web服务,并访问使用web_client_api函数的web服务和直接实例方法调用。
In this section, we create a Action web service web service, and access the web service using the web_client_api function and the direct instance method invocation.
However if you had an abstract method in a non-abstract class, you could instantiate the class and get an object, that would have an unimplemented method, which you would be unable to call.
文中通过实例来说明调用MATLAB符号工具箱来进行符号矩阵的运算和利用M ATLAB自身的编辑器来处理数据的方法和优势。
The paper USES an example to explain how to load MATLAB symbolic toolbox to do symbol matrix operation and the advantages of editor of MATLAB for dealing with data.
Instances of ClaimsIdentity are created by calling the user manager CreateIdentityAsync method, passing in a user object and a value from the DefaultAuthenticationTypes enumeration.
Instances of ClaimsIdentity are created by calling the user manager CreateIdentityAsync method, passing in a user object and a value from the DefaultAuthenticationTypes enumeration.