In the stage of generate the target code, we pass to compile the machine logic source program, to generate the target code in the form of machine code.
Source and target matching no longer requires processing on the server, and the technique also removes menu generation code from the server.
Beyond the concepts we have described, development teams could apply architectural patterns and user interface patterns to generate code that meets the needs of their target personas.
Research has shown that most virtual invocations have only a single target for all receiver objects, and JIT compilers can generate more-efficient code for a direct call than for a virtual invocation.
MDAT allows the developer to design the application once and generate the code necessary to render the requested content on selected target devices.
Prepare the target structures required to receive the generated code.
Of course, if the class hierarchy changes and a second target method becomes possible, then the JIT compiler can correct the originally generated code so that the virtual invocation is performed.
Generate the application code and customize the application for the selected target devices.
The purpose of this "shortcut" is to eliminate all unnecessary artifacts — that is, artifacts that don't immediately contribute to the ultimate goal of producing code or test cases.
Finally, the SSA trees are converted into RTL, which the back end USES for target code generation.
现在,最佳操作方式是从一个DSL生成代码,它要比使用像UML 这样的目标语言更简便。
Nowadays, it is best practice to generate code from a DSL, which is simpler to use than a general purpose language like UML.
Compilation: Compile the file to produce an object file for the code.
But the code in AccessValue1 is very simple, making it an ideal target for run-time class generation.
To generate a report with the modeled target expanded memory size as 5000mb using the recorded file, use this code.
The main goals are to be able to change the code that dynamically generates HTML easily, control how the HTTP (or Ajax) requests are processed, and implement conventions that simplify development.
If you click the Cancel button in the warning dialog, the code is still generated into the target project, and the UML elements in the source model are not replaced with the references.
In the code in Listing 7, the callback method of the controller first generates the HTML fragment using the XSLProcessor module and then injects it into the targeted node.
汇编代码是汇编器的输入,在缺省情况下,汇编器将生成所有目标文件的祖先,即a.o ut文件。
The assembler code is input to the assembler, which by default produces the grandfather of all object files, the a.out file.
Using the Initiate Workbench, you can define "in-flight" source-to-target mapping specifications for the purpose of ETL code generation.
SOAPClient action USES the WISE 5 client service to generate a JAXWS client class and call the target service.
Code and other target domain artifacts are generated using transformations designed with input from both modeling experts and target domain experts.
TARGET _ DIR生成的源代码和对象文件的目标目录。
TARGET_DIR Target directory for the generated source code and object files.
Unfortunately, in most modeling tools available today, code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool, providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated.
While code generators understand a little bit about the target language, they are usually not full parsers and cannot take the target language into account without rewriting a complete compiler.
Successful code generation requires both an understanding of the target language (in this case, PHP) and the code generation language (in this case, XSLT).
但是在Microsoft . NETWeb服务实现当中,如果您允许. NET框架生成WSDL文件,那么目标命名空间就会直接从您在代码中的定义生成。
But in Microsoft.net Web services implementations, if you allow the.net framework to generate the WSDL file, the target namespace comes directly from what you have defined in the code.
代码生成器在标准输出上进行输出,所以我们将它重定向到目标trayicon . c。
The code generator outputs on standard output, so we redirect this into the target, trayicon.c.
Is optimization necessary when code generation is targeting a runtime with JIT?
也只有到那时候,(编程)才能进入下一个步骤:一个生发器(a generator),生成计算机可编译和运行的目标代码。
Only then is the resulting domain code fed to another program called a generator that manufactures the actual target code that a computer can compile and run.
The CFG generation process can also be attacked by obfuscating the assembly code such that one cannot determine the correct target of a jump instruction, such as using a jump through register.