After feeding almost as ravenously as the two mutants, Ken had showered and now lay on the bed.
All three mutants showed higher luciferase activity than that of the wild type, and the V85I mutant showed the highest activity.
选择来自已经是X -男人的成员英雄的巨大排列的你四个突变异种的班?在它的40年的历史中而且在探索上宣布对人类免除主要的威胁世界。
Select your squad of four mutants from the vast array of heroes that have been members of the X-Men? In its 40-year history and set out on a quest to rid the world of a major threat to mankind.
He concluded that the assays for mutations in either gene should be considered complementary tests, reflecting mutations that occur through different mechanisms.
Each individual variant had little impact, however, so the researchers developed an algorithm to combine the effects of multiple variants acting together.
But the only patients in the trial will be from the 5 percent or so of lung cancer patients with a mutation in a gene called A.L.K..
Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) is a new and powerful electrophoresis method for separation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and analysis of sequence variations.
Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) is a new and powerful electrophoresis method for separation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and analysis of sequence variations.