The participants consistently reported that they perceived a clockwise-shift in the direction of the second pattern.
Dr. Sasaki found, as expected, the participants slept less well on their first night than they did on their second, taking more than twice as long to fall asleep and sleeping less overall.
When all the participants proceeded to the second pair of tasks, the daydreamers performed 40% better than the others.
Participants earned recognition for being the first to call out an answer, but also for being the second or third — even if all they did was agree with what someone else had said.
Specifically, let's look at the system part of the second transaction and the actor part of the third transaction.
Thus, the actor part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the system part of the second transaction of the loan submission system.
So, in a second study they used a description of a Monty Python sketch which participants weren't told was supposed to be a joke.
No one else in the second group got a word in, and there were no alternatives to what the one noisy participant was proposing.
The second thing they noticed was that the neurons began to fire about 1.5 seconds before participants were conscious of remembering the particular clip.
In a second experiment, study participants were told that they would be paid for performing a simple task, and researchers conducted brain scans while they completed the tasks.
A second study tried to narrow down the uncertainties by examining dreams that participants experienced from the night before, and focused more on gamers.
Tests conducted the next morning showed that the participants could remember and recognize more words than they did immediately after learning them.
In a typical second-round test, participants were asked to guess what single word is associated with three seemingly unrelated words.
The participants with a fast task would finish, put the piece in the circle, build a second one completely, and then wait until the spot was clear before they could fill it and make the next one.
A second experiment followed a similar pattern except participants were asked to rate a hot or iced therapeutic pad, and then to choose a reward for their time.
While both participants lost about the same amount of weight, the group that received their training through Second Life actually made more changes to their habits.
On the other hand, in the group cued with impolite words, fully 64% interrupted the experimenter.
In parallel with this, however, a second duty falls on those outsiders.
Self-interest dictates that the second player accept any offer, even the lowest.
To the dot's right were lips that were fat or thin, or smiling or frowning. To the left of the dot was an entire face.
Next, describe the number and type of people needed to carryout the project.
Only a percentage of Phase I participants are invited to submit proposals for a second phase of work.
In a second test, participants were told to watch TV testimonials - where someone pretending to be a member of the public endorsed a certain product.
For example, in the second experiment, participants could still ferret out the gay face when shown the eye region sans eyebrows and cropped to the outer canthi.
The second part: on the basis of the Securitization principle, analyzing the operator, operating steps, three basic theories and the organization structure of the Securitization.
The second part: on the basis of the Securitization principle, analyzing the operator, operating steps, three basic theories and the organization structure of the Securitization.