A good chemical laboratory is equipped with precision instruments and supplies of many chemical substances.
Therefore, it applies to diffusion pump for the pre-pump, but also for supporting precision instruments and laboratory use.
Application range: optics instrument, electronic, apparatus, precision instruments wiping, sensorius fiber manufacture, apparatus and equipment in lab cleaning, machine in print and packing industry.
Therefore, it applies to the proliferation of pumps for the first pump, but also applies to supporting precision instruments and laboratory use.
在学科上,本实验室建立了 “微机电工程”和“精密仪器及机械” 两个二级学科博士点。
There are programs for Ph. D candidates in the specialties of MEMS Engineering and Precision Instrument and Mechanics at the lab.
在学科上,本实验室建立了 “微机电工程”和“精密仪器及机械” 两个二级学科博士点。
There are programs for Ph. D candidates in the specialties of MEMS Engineering and Precision Instrument and Mechanics at the lab.