• 这些收集器是为了解决多处理器系统中垃圾收集器成为伸缩性瓶颈问题

    These new collectors address the problem of the garbage collector being a scalability bottleneck on multiprocessor systems.


  • 例如如果由于空间配置问题系统I/O 方面存在瓶颈,那么减少不必要的代码转换仍然无济于事

    For example, reducing unnecessary code page conversion is not goign to help if your system is heavily I/O bound due to an unfortunate table space configuration.


  • 优秀SVT测试人员能够分析系统每个组件所扮演角色确定问题找出系统中的瓶颈、收集相关的证据证实他们的预测

    Good SVT testers analyze the role each component plays in the system, determines the problem, identifies the bottlenecks within the system, and collects evidence to verify their expectation.


  • 对于策略性问题,比如建立会计系统突破产品制造瓶颈问题等,需要求助具备相关知识的外部顾问

    For tactical challenges — like setting up accounting systems or unplugging a manufacturing bottleneckturn to an outside consultant with specific expertise in the area in question.


  • 系统利用多种智能技术提高电火花加工工艺设计决策水平通过学习机制解决知识获取瓶颈问题

    Multi intelligence techniques are applied in the system to raise the level of technology decision making in EDM, and the bottleneck of knowledge acquirement is settled with learning mechanism.


  • 服务器通道调度技术解决大规模媒体点播应用系统资源瓶颈问题有效途径

    Scheduling technology of server channel is an effective approach for addressing the bottleneck problem of resources in large scale streaming media application systems.


  • 于是应用P2P模式解决媒体服务系统瓶颈问题成为当前研究热点

    Thus, applying the P2P model in streaming media system to address the bottleneck problem becomes a current research hotspot.


  • 一方面,其集中化注册簿也有传统集中式系统所共有的计算资源瓶颈以及故障问题

    On the other hand, centralized registries suffer from the traditional problems of centralized systems, namely performance bottlenecks and single points of failure.


  • 为了去除瓶颈系统可以工序设计多个处理称为“多重处理槽”问题

    To remove the bottleneck, the system may be designed to have several tanks for that stage, which is called multi-tank problem.


  • 利用LVDS技术解决GAP网闸系统数据摆渡速度瓶颈问题

    The use of LVDS technology solves the problem of speed bottleneck of GAP gateway system data "ferry".


  • 本文主要论述利用专家系统技术解决统计数据库聚集操作响应速度慢瓶颈问题

    This paper introduces a solution solving the problem of low response speed of aggregate operations in statistical database (SDB_s).


  • 实体特征分布式应用虚拟设计系统可以有效解决信息冗余传输瓶颈问题

    Distributed solid features applied in virtual design system can resolve the problems of information redundancy and transmit blocking effectively.


  • 为了解决传统专家系统知识获取瓶颈问题采用了基于神经网络智能评价决策专家系统(NIEDES)。

    In order to solve the bottle neck problem in traditional expert systems, a Neural Network Based Intelligent Evaluation and Decision expert system (NIEDES) was used.


  • 在线故障诊断专家系统实现遇到瓶颈问题:在线可获得的专家知识相对匮乏,以及专家知识的有效性。

    The critical problems existing in the process of realizing an on line fault diagnosis expert system are the lack of the expert knowledge obtained on line and the validity of the expert knowledge.


  • 嵌入式图形系统处理领域图像处理的速度问题一直一个很难突破设计瓶颈

    In an embedded graphics processing system field image processing speed has been a difficult breakthrough design bottleneck.


  • 随着信息技术飞速发展存储系统整个计算机系统中的地位日益突出存储“瓶颈问题却日益严峻

    With the development of information technology, storage subsystem is becoming more and more outstanding in the whole computer system, but the problem of storage bottleneck is becoming acute.


  • 不对当前无线系统应用产生明显影响的条件下提高频谱使用效率有助于缓解频谱资源短缺这个瓶颈问题

    The spectrum utilization ratio should be improved without harmful effect on current wireless systems and applications. This will greatly help to solve the bottleneck problem of spectrum scarcity.


  • 测试表明系统性能传统方法相比显著提高地解决入侵检测中的速度瓶颈问题

    Experimental shows that the system's performance has a significant improvement compared to traditional methods, and is a good solution to the bottlenecks of intrusion detection speed.


  • 由于一技术基于对状念空间穷尽搜索,“状态爆炸”问题一直是制约实际系统中应用主要技术瓶颈

    Because it is based on the exhaustive state space search, the state space explosion problem becomes the primary bottleneck when we apply model-checking to real systems.


  • 本文针对传统数据采集系统存在的总线带宽传输速度瓶颈问题提出实现了一个基于PCI总线的200m数据采集系统

    To the bottleneck problems of bus bandwidth and transmission speed in traditional data acquiring systems, this paper presents and implements a 200m data acquiring system based on PCI bus.


  • 针对服务器可能成为系统瓶颈问题VCSR机制采用基于投票分布式并发控制协议同时也均衡网络负载

    For primary server may become the bottle of the whole system, VCSR USES a concurrency control protocol based on voting, which also trade-off the network overhead.


  • 知识获取专家系统乃至其他知识系统一个瓶颈问题

    Knowledge acquisition is a bottleneck problem in Expert system and other knowledge-based systems.


  • 系统解决了目前SIP系统服务器配置维护带来不便,以及服务器瓶颈问题具有自适应成本易于扩展特性

    This system solves the SIP server configuration, maintenance of the inconvenience and server bottlenecks and other problems. And has adaptive, low cost, easy to expand and other characteristics.


  • 归纳了现阶段存在问题改进意见,并根据系统功能瓶颈提出了后续开发方向

    The existing problems are summed up, and the future direction is proposed according to the bottleneck problem of the system.


  • 椭圆曲线公钥系统可以缓解传统公钥系统中大计算复杂度的瓶颈问题

    Elliptic curve public key can be used to relax the bottleneck problem that is large computation in tradition public key system.


  • 提出usb接口传输速率一种测试方法并且根据测试结果解决光谱仪系统传输速度瓶颈问题

    One test method for transmission speed of USB interface is brought forward and the problem of transmission speed bottle-neck of the spectrometer system is solved according to the result.


  • 如何评估控制数字高程模型建立过程各种数据质量建立各种类型数据库地理信息系统瓶颈问题

    However, how to evaluate and control the quality of all sorts of data in the course of building DEM is a bottleneck problem of establishing various type databases and GIS.


  • 服务器技术在解决传统分布式环境的可用性和性能瓶颈问题同时系统管理带来新的挑战

    The technology of redundant services has improved the system availability, but also poses new challenges to the distributed system configuration management.


  • 随着高速网络节点数目迅猛增加以及网络拓扑结构应用日益复杂传统的网络协议成为系统通讯主要瓶颈问题

    With rapid growth of node Numbers, complexity of topological structure and applications in high speed networks, the classical protocols have become the main bottleneck in communication system.


  • 随着高速网络节点数目迅猛增加以及网络拓扑结构应用日益复杂传统的网络协议成为系统通讯主要瓶颈问题

    With rapid growth of node Numbers, complexity of topological structure and applications in high speed networks, the classical protocols have become the main bottleneck in communication system.


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