• 此外,还有陈列世界上最多毛利太平洋岛国艺术品珍宝奥克兰国家博物馆纽约自由女神像

    The list also includes Auckland the national Museum that houses the world's largest collection of Maori and Pacific island artifacts and treasures, and the Museum of Natural History in New York City.


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    A shot of the Eiffel Tower at dusk was matched to other Eiffel Tower shots, but also to San Francisco's Coit Tower and New York's Statue of Liberty, both shot at dusk.


  • 1946年84日,络绎不绝游客前来参观纽约自由女神像(图背景处)。游人们有的来自美国各地,也有许多来自海外

    A steady stream of tourists from everywhere in the U.S. and many from foreign lands, visit the Statue of Liberty (background) in New York August 4, 1946 which rises from an almost 150-foot pedestal.


  • 阿尔弗雷德凯驰清洁设备股份有限公司曾世界上许多著名建筑物做过清理包括巴西里约热内卢基督像、德国柏林勃兰登堡大门以及美国纽约的自由女神像等。

    Alfred Karcher GmbH and Co. has cleaned a number of monuments, including the Statue of Christ in Rio DE Janeiro, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and the Statue of Liberty in New York.


  • 自由女神像耸立纽约上空。

    The Statue of Liberty towers stands above the harbor of New York.


  • 1956年7月27日损毁瑞士-美国豪华班轮斯德哥尔摩缓缓驶过纽约,前往它的安全泊位自由女神像残骸背后若隐若现。

    The Statue of Liberty is seen in the background as the damaged Swedish-American luxury liner Stockholm heads slowly through New York Harbor for a safe berth July 27, 1956.


  • 当然了,自由女神像就等于没有去过纽约免费斯塔渡轮去一睹这个神秘女神以及游览埃利斯曼哈顿南部吧。

    Or, because no trip to New York is complete without seeing the Statue of Liberty, jump on the free Staten Island Ferry for a view of this enigmatic lady, Ellis Island and lower Manhattan.


  • 今天事发地点仍然是一个热门的旅游目的地而且它也被加入了绝大部分纽约旅游公司旅游线路当中,与自由女神像其他的知名景点其名。

    Today, the Ground Zero site remains a popular tourist destination and is included on tours through most New York tour companies, alongside the Statue of Liberty and other well-worn destinations.


  • 雕像高达182(600英尺),位居世界第一,两倍于纽约自由女神像高度

    At a towering 182 metres (600 feet), it would be the world's tallest, twice the height of New York's Statue of Liberty.


  • 明亮的餐厅里还有纽约大桥自由女神像抽象画。

    The bright dining area featured abstract paintings of New York City's Bridges and the Statue of Liberty.


  • 例如如果身处伦敦,你看到指针就是大本钟;纽约它的时间标识自由女神像

    For example if you’re in London then Big Ben is the hour hand that you look at; in New York you would use Statue of Liberty as your hour marker.


  • 纽约 — 1986年74日:向自由女神像烟雾女神像的四周团团腾起。

    New YorkJuly 4, 1986: Smoke from a salute to Statue of Liberty drifts over the statue.


  • 2002年3月11日纽约世贸大厦遭受恐怖袭击个月纪念日自由女神像闪烁纪念光碑。

    The "Tribute in Light" memorial shines behind the Statue of Liberty, March 11, 2002, on the six-month anniversary of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in New York.


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    Eg: The statue of Liberty still remains so impressive standing on a small island in New York Harbor.


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    It showed a giant explosion in the heart of New York City and the Statue of Liberty's head being thrown down a street.


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    The most visible reminder of this close relationship is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York harbor.


  • 纽约自从珍珠港事件后便已熄灭自由女神像火炬黄昏时点燃15分钟

    In New York, the Statue of Liberty, its torch blacked out since Pearl Harbor, was lit at sunset for 15 minutes.


  • 自由女神像刚刚组装所以不是纽约他们到达的时候。

    The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Pairs and was being assembled so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.


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    It stands on an island at the entrance to the NewYork City harbor.


  • 纽约标志或许帝国大厦自由女神像即便最新建筑努力表现着这座城市历史

    The Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty may be symbolic of New York City, but even its newest additions play an important role in expressing the history of this place.


  • 除了自由女神像帝国大厦世贸中心都是纽约地标。

    Besides the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and the new World Center Building are also the landmarks in new York.


  • 接待员纽约是个非常漂亮地方比如时代广场百老汇华尔街,爆心投影点还有自由女神像。 。

    Desk clerk: New York is really of place of interest, such as Times Square. Broadway, WaIl street and Ground Zero and Statue of Liberty.


  • 自由女神像矗立纽约港内一个小岛

    The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York harbor.


  • 自由女神像1886年揭幕,直到1899年一直纽约最高建筑物

    Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886, it was New York's tallest structure until 1899.


  • 纽约废墟肯一看到自由女神像毁坏倒塌,使河水淹没一个倒塌的地铁站。

    New York is in ruins; you can see the Statue of Liberty fallen and destroyed, plus a river running underneath a collapsed railway.


  • 自由女神像为大家熟悉,事实上许多著名旅游景点纽约

    The Statue of Liberty is familiar to all, actually, there are many famous tourist sites in New York.


  • 自由女神像为大家熟悉,事实上许多著名旅游景点纽约

    The Statue of Liberty is familiar to all, actually, there are many famous tourist sites in New York.


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