This is an effort to get Internet service-providers to play a greater role in the fight against piracy.
However, the Internet service provider whose systems were implicated in the attack quickly issued a news release stating that the attack was actually coming from Miami.
The consultation documentation reportedly says: "We will move to legislate to require internet service providers to take action on illegal file sharing."
"Consumers will eventually also need to replace equipment in the home, although this is likely to be introduced by ISPs in gradual stages," he said.
Throughout North America, Internet service providers (ISPs) have tended to shy away from the kind of monthly download limits and metered pricing widely accepted elsewhere.
Some of these were controlled by servers hosted on McColo, a Silicon Valley firm, until internet-service providers forced it in 2008 to shut them down.
Global Crossing公司的Paul Kouroupas表示,他的公司希望确保网络服务供应商之间的协议得到所有网络的尊重。
Paul Kouroupas of Global Crossing says his company wants to make sure agreements between service providers are honored on all networks.
Virtualisation has also given rise to big “cloud providers”, which offer computing power on demand, such as Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of the eponymous online-shopping giant.
Virtualisation has also given rise to big "cloud providers", which offer computing power on demand, such as Amazon Web Services, a subsidiary of the eponymous online-shopping giant.
Invariably, computer networks go down and business owners should look for providers that offer service priority and use multiple network paths to ensure the service is always available.
Note: the location of your root web directory in the filesystem on your web server will vary across hosting providers and operating systems.
Note: the location of your root web directory in the filesystem on your web server will vary across hosting providers and operating systems.