It has 550 million users, and accounts for about 1 of 4 American page views.
At present, the company has over 10m registered users and over 20m page views per day.
The Journal examined the 50 most popular U.S. websites, which account for about 40% of the Web pages viewed by Americans.
That helped Facebook account for roughly a quarter of online page views in November, significantly outpacing Google, Hitwise said.
The website has received 30,000 page views per month and most clients so far were young women preparing applications to study overseas.
I tweeted yesterday that How To Flourish: 17 Quotes on Living, Being, and Doing was going viral yet again with near 10k daily pageviews.
Because of the resulting market for link buying and selling (which Google hates), Google might be tweaking its algorithms to give lower algorithmic weight to inbound links.
Exploratorium officials say their web site averages more than eighteen million visitors a year . that makes it one of the most visited museum web sites in the world.
Exploratorium officials say their web site averages more than eighteen million visitors a year . that makes it one of the most visited museum web sites in the world.