The USADA report said the "In the United States, there is no doubt that we face a doping problem."
New research conducted for the U. S. Anti-Doping Agency finds that Americans rank the use of performance-enhancing drugs as the most serious problem facing sports today.
Today was the deadline for embattling veteran cyclist Lance Armstrong to decide whether he would meet with US's anti-doping agency officials.
Phelps is one of 12 Olympic athletes who pledged to "My Victory," an initiative launched last year by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency aimed at keeping competitive sports clean.
Then last year, the U. s Anti-Doping Agency released a report, it accused Armstrong of being at the center of a very sophisticated doping program while he was winning his Tour De France titles.
Tygart also told CBS news, he's offered Armstrong a deadline, February 6th to cooperate fully and totally truthfully with USADA in exchange for a possible lessening of his lifetime ban from sports.
Tygart also told CBS news, he's offered Armstrong a deadline, February 6th to cooperate fully and totally truthfully with USADA in exchange for a possible lessening of his lifetime ban from sports.