• 本特利轿车标志是以公司第一字母B主体生出一对翅膀凌空翱翔雄鹰标志一直沿用至今

    Bentley car company name sign is the first letter "b" as the main, give birth to a pair of wings, like volley soaring eagle, the logo still in use.


  • 6:挥动7英尺翅膀翱翔一对浑身乌黑信天翁在金海湾筑巢悬崖飞来飞去。

    Photo 6: Soaring on seven-foot wings, a pair of light-mantled sooty albatrosses cruise the nesting cliffs of Gold Harbour.


  • 拥有强壮翅膀,威猛的双,以及非凡眼力,还有毫不费力高空翱翔的能力就是鱼鹰,只有他才能代表人类潜力而不是田鼠

    The strength in his wings, the power in his talons , the amazing capacity of his vision, the effortless capacity to soar, it is the osprey, not the field mouse that models our human potential.


  • 底座切的翅膀,则是稳定正派诚实的表征。整个造型象征超越翱翔、和平,以及带向健康快乐的未来

    The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness decency and faithfulness. the entire motif suggests surmounting soaring peacefulness and the upbeat and blessed future.


  • 伸展开达80英尺翅膀的飞鸟天空翱翔

    Birds with large wings 80 feet in span took to the sky.


  • 看见翅膀船坞海上落日的余晖里翱翔

    I see the long wings of the dock in the warm glow of a setting sun.


  • 黄金鸟儿翅膀上,永远不能翱翔于天际!

    Set the bird's wings with gold and it will never again soar in the sky !


  • 同时感谢关注疼爱,有翅膀变得有力量,承载我的理想,展翅翱翔

    Meanwhile, thanks for you concerns and love; because of you, my wings are stronger, carrying my ideal to fly.


  • 可以我们展开想像翅膀诗人所创造意境自由地翱翔

    It can let us soar freely with unfolded wings in the artistic conception that the poets create.


  • 失去一个知心朋友如同翱翔雄鹰一枝翅膀折断一样

    Losing an intimate friend, as a soaring eagle, like broken wings.


  • 底座切的翅膀,则是稳定正派诚实表征。整个造型象征超越翱翔和平,以及带向健康快乐的未来

    The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness, decency and faithfulness. The entire motif suggests surmounting, soaring, peacefulness and the upbeat and blessed future.


  • 晨光下,小鹦鹉巨嘴鸟翅膀金刚鹦鹉展翼翱翔

    Against it, parakeets and toucans and blue - winged macaws swoop.


  • 我看来自信远行的马达雄鹰翅膀推动着我们滔天巨浪前进引领着我们在疾风暴雨中翱翔

    To me, confidence is a motor for a long trip, a wing for a tercel. Confidence pushes us to go forward in monstrous wave and guide us to soar in high wind storm.


  • 勇敢小鸟,翱翔时候,能高飞直云霄,忍受长途的辛劳;但是在中的时候,却只能垂头丧气地在笼门上拍无力翅膀了。

    That noble bird, soaring the highest above the clouds and enduring the longest flights, sinks into despair when in a cage where it is forced to beat its helpless wings against its prison bars.


  • 想念决堤河流奔涌而,想念激荡了枯萎的心灵,想念我展开了飞翔的翅膀翱翔无边无际蓝天

    Miss like the river burst, and to brainstorm a miss, I miss the withered the let me fly wings, flying in the blue sky limitless. Miss always let I smitten, let me hard.


  • 人生旅途上,老师我们点燃希望光芒我们插上理想翅膀翱翔知识海洋中。

    In the journey of life, a teacher for us lit the light of hope, to our ideals and plug in the wings, flying in the ocean of knowledge.


  • 未来银鹰,必将展开更加矫健的翅膀,博击长空翱翔万里。

    Hope INWIN group would fly with strong and vigorous wings, struggle to the vast sky and soar fast.


  • 灿烂笑容祖国花朵一起绽放真心祝愿插上翅膀展翅飞翔和平鸽一起翱翔祝福我们祖国繁荣富强

    Smiles and flowers of the country together bloomed, sincerity wishes wings, with the birds fly soar with pigeons, bless our motherland prosperous!


  • 高任鸟飞,只是一直断掉翅膀麻雀只能呆呆看着一只只苍鹰天空翱翔试试勇气也没有的勇气去哪儿了呢?????

    Days in His Career, I only have cut off the wings Sparrow, The only witted only watching a goshawk were hovering in the sky even have the courage to try not my courage to where????


  • 翱翔的飞鸟许收回翅膀无须怀疑夜空謶謶私语月满时变得肃

    As for our talk, on one can hear. The flying bird must have drawn in his wings. you are in no need to doubt the night sky's whisper.


  • 翱翔的飞鸟许收回翅膀无须怀疑夜空謶謶私语月满时变得肃

    As for our talk, on one can hear. The flying bird must have drawn in his wings. you are in no need to doubt the night sky's whisper.


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