• 例如在线使用量增长较大年份之后的是幸福感低的年份,不是相反情况。

    For instance, years with a larger increase in online usage were followed by years with lower wellbeing, rather than the other way around.


  • 握握然后洗洗手——而不是相反

    Shake my hand, then wash your hands-not the other way around.


  • 所以形式来自于内容不是相反过程。

    So, that's the form of the puzzle coming out of the content, rather than the other way around.


  • 关键营造一种氛围其中分歧恐惧应以有利于加强亲昵而不是相反方式显现出来。

    The point is to create an atmosphere where differences and fears surface in a way that creates more intimacy instead of less.


  • 上个月巴拉一个网站声称“如果有什么东西将是苹果复制miui的,”而不是相反

    Just last month, Barra told the Next Web that "if anything... Apple copied some stuff" from MIUI, not the other way around.


  • 研究者分析特别仔细他们尝试排除认知力下降发生在社会孤立之前或者导致社会孤立可能性不是相反情况。

    The researchers were especially careful in their analysis to try to rule out the possibility that cognitive decline precedes, or causes, social isolation, and not the reverse.


  • 吉姆·盖伊·塔克州长很可能有史以来最有能力的副州长,那是多年来头次,我们俩为着共同目标一起奋斗,不是相反的目的。

    Jim Guy Tucker was lieutenant governor, probably the ablest person ever to hold the job, and we were working together, rather than at cross-purposes, for the first time in years.


  • 记住,Giapetto数学模型一个最大化问题因此我们应该使用maximize作为关键字,而不是相反minimize关键字。

    Remember, Giapetto's mathematical model is a maximization problem, so the keyword maximize is appropriate instead of the opposite keyword, minimize.


  • 美国采取相反方法强调专科医生不是初级保健医生

    The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.


  • 上网人数增加的年份中,幸福指数更低不是相反

    Years with a larger increase in online usage were followed by years with lower wellbeing, rather than the other way around.


  • 许多宣传解放现代女性家用电器往往起到了相反作用因为它们只是改变工作性质而不是消除了

    Many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of work instead of eliminating it.


  • 当今许多认为相反童话一开始是面向成人而不是儿童的。

    Contrary to what many people believe today, fairy tales were originally intended for adults, not for children.


  • 一个公司绩效可以通过其他方式得到改善,而不是通过改变可能经验上正确顾问利益相反薪酬体系

    A company's performance can be improved in some other way than by altering its pay system may be empirically correct but contrary to the consultants' interests.


  • "相反高密度情况下饲养鱼类可能会了解,同种物种应被视为竞争者不是适应性信息潜在来源

    Instead, fish reared in high-density situations may learn that conspecifics are to be viewed as competitors, rather than as potential sources of adaptive information.


  • 相反南方奴隶主误认为9世纪30年代废奴主义观点主流不是北方边缘公众意见于是他们普遍谴责北方反对奴隶制

    Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery.


  • 随身携带这本导游手册不是因为相信里面内容,完全出于相反的理由

    He took this guidebook along not because he believed in it but for the exact opposite reason.


  • 大部分模式不是技术进步启发得到的,相反它们代表了受从业者启发、已被证明有效设计技术

    Most of the patterns were not specifically inspired by technology advancements but instead represent proven design techniques that were inspired by practitioners.


  • 相反可以定义对象(不是)并且将成为单例实例

    Instead you can define some as an object (instead of a class) and it becomes a singleton instance of the class.


  • 只有方法回归正常生活柯柏专家团队做的并不是强取豪夺,却是正相反——他们任务种下一个意念不是一个。

    One last job could give him back his life, but instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse; their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.


  • 治理研究表明生活水平提高很大程度上是改善治理的结果不是相反

    Research on governance shows that improved standards of living are largely the result of improved governance, and not the other way around.


  • 丁恩说:“主动提出问题并且努力想要找到正确答案不是相反。”比如,然后从中推导出答案

    "He asked questions and tried to find the right answers rather than the converse, which is ask who he is and then therefore derive the answer from there," Dinh said.


  • 可是我们直觉相反诸如上文提到的研究表明通常都是情景决定我们的行为,不是个性

    Contrary to our instincts, however, studies such as this one demonstrate that it is frequently the situation that controls our actions more strongly than personality.


  • 第三认为中方的表态正是维护不干涉内政原则而不是相反

    Third, I believe what China has done is precisely to uphold the principle, not on the contrary.


  • 他们吃惊是,他们发现研究发现相反结果癌细胞不是施瓦茨所发现那样沿着流动迁移,它们是逆流迁移。

    To their surprise, they found just the opposite of her result: Instead of moving with the flow, as Swartz had found, the cancer cells moved upstream.


  • 相反免费软件则主要关注用户的自由而不是软件的价格。用户可以根据自己的需要对这些软件进行研究改进

    Free software on the other hand, is about freedom, not price, and it is designed to give you the ability to study and improve the software for your own needs.


  • 公平客观提出任何一个相反论点不是显得愚蠢

    Present each argument fairly and objectively, rather than trying to make it look foolish.


  • 相反培训他们运用药物疗程作为健康主要手段而不是运用食物作为医疗的主要手段。

    Instead, they are trained in the use of drugs and procedures as the principal means to health, the antithesis of using food as the principal means to health.


  • 相反培训他们运用药物疗程作为健康主要手段而不是运用食物作为医疗的主要手段。

    Instead, they are trained in the use of drugs and procedures as the principal means to health, the antithesis of using food as the principal means to health.


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