The image that comes to mind here, others have written about M-theory, is of a God blowing soap bubbles.
However, he warned anyone thinking of photographing bubbles to take care if using an optical viewfinder, as the reflected sun could potentially damage the retinas.
Indeed, most of the business that has now collapsed was part of a big bubble anyway, which had to burst at some point.
Instead of using a single fuselage cylinder, they used two partial cylinders placed side by side to create a wider structure whose cross-section resembles two soap bubbles joined together.
This uncertainty about the path of policy has had the markets in a bit of a lather.
Under his bubble canopy, the Colonel scans the gloom of the forest.
It's hard to think of many actresses, even those die-hard professionals raised inside the old studio bubbles, who could have weathered such an impossible burden.
Two years ago, he reluctantly because of his leukemia, but broke up with her, then again two years later why he gave her as a fragile as a soap bubble of hope?
Volunteers rushed to Valdez to scrub otters and ducks with gentle soap, only to watch them die.
Different-shaped handles, square for hot and round for cold, would permit the soapy-eyed bather to adjust water temperature without alternately scalding or freezing himself.
This is the moment a little girl amazed her family by producing a giant, dolphin-shaped bubble during an evening barbecue.
有一天,由于妇女们忘了打开水泵,水都流干了,让阿斯拉夫浑身满是肥皂泡,气得发抖。 “这也可能发生在我的家人身上。”
One day, the water ran out because the women forgot to turn on the pump, leaving Mr. Ashraf fully soaped and shivering with fury.
Surfactants with ionizable heads are key to creating a repulsive force that counteracts the van der Waals attraction and thus stabilizes a soap film.
Fortunately someone had the presence of mind to snap off a picture, preserving the soapy creature for posterity.
The close-ups show a different side to bubbles, with the surface textures.
'Nuclear fires on planet bubble' : 'I'm really pleased with some of these results. The close-ups show a different side to bubbles, with the surface textures'.
Mr Heels takes his pictures in his back garden. Here his house can be seen reflected in the bubble.
然而,对于最近发现的肥皂泡星云(Soap Bubble Nebula)来说,情况就不同了。
The same cannot be said for the recently discovered Soap Bubble Nebula, however.
天蓝色的郁金香,结着像大肥皂泡一样发亮的果实的苹果树。 你想想看,这些树在太阳光中该是多么光彩夺目啊。
apple-trees, the apples of which looked exactly like large soapbubbles: so only think how the trees must have sparkled in
Childhood dream, such as soap bubbles, although the unreal dimly discernible, but carry your childhood.
For five years, this region was a bubble of optimism, growing fatter and fatter while its walls stretched thinner.
Out of the locket's two Windows, out of the eyes, there bloomed, like two grotesque bubbles, the heads of Harry and Hermione, weirdly distorted.
You owe it to yourself to rejuvenate, refresh and renew with Lather Cloth.
They are shinning, of all colors, seems that everything has not happened, just fairylike lathers in the sight.
According to British media reports, a British man is good at blowing bubbles. Iin recent days, he blowed the biggest soap bubble in the world, wanting to create a new Guinness Book of world Records.