• 致使概念原型人们对日常生活中易觉察典型物理世界致使事件进行概念化结果

    The prototype of the concept is the cognitive result of the conceptualization of the physical causative events that are most perceptible and thus most typical in the objective world.


  • 同时我们引进了致使方式概念因为致使事件或个体一定通过某种方式来达到致使结果的产生。

    Also we introduced a concept "manner of causing" into our representation, since we believe that there must be some m...


  • 希望此次最新发现帮助弄清此处的地质条件或者怎样一系列事件致使此处能出土这般未受侵蚀的化石遗骸。

    It's hoped that this latest find may help to clarify what geological conditions, or series of events, help to produce such pristine fossils.


  • 服务器GC引起响应时间大规模GC事件出现变化可能会致使(一级缓存l1的)缓存客户端故障转移备份Terracotta服务器上去。

    GC in the server caused variation in response times and in the event a large GC occurred, could cause Cache clients (L1's) to failover to a backup Terracotta server.


  • 而短短之前美国航空航天局还发生过一起挑战者航天飞机爆炸致使7名宇航员遇难的事件

    Only two years earlier, NASA's Challenger shuttle disaster killed seven astronauts.


  • 过去年间,加利福尼亚选举人采取的选举措施致使所有的借贷事件必需品还复杂的

    And California's voters have, in ballot measures over the decades, made all money matters more complicated than necessary.


  • 年前深水地平线钻井平台爆炸致使上百原油流入墨西哥湾,在灾难性事件发生后玛丽尝试一下没有石油生活

    About a year ago, following the Deepwater Horizon oil rig catastrophe that released millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, Mary Richert decided that she wanted to live a life free of oil.


  • 联邦人员星期一乔治亚州一家花生加工厂展开突然搜查,这家工厂与前不久在全国范围内沙门氏菌大爆发事件牵连,致使美国发生了有史以来最大的一起商品召回案

    Federal agents on Monday raided a Georgia peanut processing plant linked to the nationwide salmonella outbreak that has prompted one of the largest product recalls in U.S. history.


  • 造成613亚利桑那枪击事件刚刚一个星期之后举行的活动。 那次枪击事件致使众议员吉福兹头部受重伤。

    This comes only a little more than a week after the shootings in Arizona that killed six people and injured 13 others, leaving Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life.


  • 消息引发意外事件原因体育场面墙突然坍塌致使附近观众在恐慌中夺路逃离现场发生踩踏事件

    It is said that the accident was aroused by the unexpected collapse of the enclosing wall of the stadium, resulting the trample when the nearby audience tried to stampede from the field.


  • 12月8日5起几乎同一时间发生的爆炸事件致使至少120个平民死亡

    On December 8th five almost simultaneous explosions killed at least 120 civilians.


  • 引起这次食品恐慌细菌名为肉杆菌,经常存在土壤中本次事件中,恒天然集团食品加工工厂水管污染,致使肉毒杆菌进入产品。

    The bacteria behind the latest scare, Clostridium Botulinum, is often found in soil. The Fonterra case was caused by a dirty pipe at a processing plant.


  • 伊拉克巴格达周三一系列爆炸事件致使超过一百死亡

    In Iraq, a series of bombings Wednesday killed more than one hundred people in Baghdad.


  • 施动者通过动作致使实体附着某处活动过程称为附着事件”,相关动词叫做“附着动词”。

    An adhesive event is an activity process in which an agent makes a certain object adhere to a certain place, and so the related verb is called an adhesive verb.


  • 不可抗力、意外事件致使合同不能履行的,适用定金罚则

    Where the principal agreement is not fulfilled due to force majeure or any accident, the deposit penalty rule shall not apply.


  • 第三方活动致使海底管道失效的各个原因进行系统分析,建立以“第三方破坏严重为顶事件的故障树。

    The types of the third-party damage of offshore pipelines' failure were pointed out, the reasons were analyzed, and corresponding measures were presented.


  • 过去年中由于低劣铁路维护驾驶培训造成的铁路撞击事件已经致使42死亡。

    Rail crashes blamed on shoddy maintenance and poor driver training over the past five years have killed 42 people.


  • 赫德是新闻发布会上透露一消息的,同时邓恩首次公开讨论致使公司卷入半月之久的丑闻事件

    Mr. Hurd disclosed the change at a news conference in which he and Hewlett-Packard for the first time publicly discussed the revelations that have engulfed the company for more than two weeks.


  • 赫德是新闻发布会上透露一消息的,同时邓恩首次公开讨论致使公司卷入半月之久的丑闻事件

    Mr. Hurd disclosed the change at a news conference in which he and Hewlett-Packard for the first time publicly discussed the revelations that have engulfed the company for more than two weeks.


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