The stores have clean wood interior, Apple branded posters and employees in iconic blue T-shirts.
The California company says the use of the symbol for New York's environmental awareness campaign 'GreeNYC', a green apple logo, would diminish the value of its brand.
The Administration for Industry and Commerce in Kunming said its investigation had unveiled a slew of stores violating Apple's registered trademarks.
Have you ever wondered how the first Apple logo looked 30 years ago?
That's why stores have begun to sell the products without Apple's permission, while others are hawking cheaper, lower-quality gadgets that are aesthetically similar and bear the chic Apple logo.
"Apple never writes' Apple Store 'on it's signs - it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit," she wrote.
In fact, it has run into others' trademarks: Cisco made an iPhone before Apple ever did, and Fujitsu made an iPad.
In Apple Inc.'s latest effort to control its U.S. trademark for the term "App Store, " a law firm representing the company sent a cease-and-desist letter to wireless-application store operator GetJar.
Apple's lawyers asked him to stop using iPod in the name of his app because it's an Apple trademark.
然而苹果公司声称,亚马逊的“Appstore”涉及侵犯苹果应用商店的商标“App store”,并已提起了诉讼。
However, Apple claims that Amazon's "Appstore" infringes its own trademark "App store", and has filed a lawsuit.
In May, a Chinese company won the right to sell its leather goods under the iPhone trademark after years of legal wrangling with Apple.
In May, a Chinese company won the right to sell its leather goods under the iPhone trademark after years of legal wrangling with Apple.