• 芮图•索兰奇诺丁汉大学毕业的28岁的律师花费大部分时间一家英国的电讯公司起草合同法律备忘录

    RITU SOLANKI, a 28-year-old lawyer with a degree from Nottingham University, spends most of her time drafting contracts and legal memos for a telecoms firm in Britain.


  • 英国曼切·斯特、卡迪、兰彼得、诺丁汉谢菲尔德爱丁堡伦敦大学设有孔子学院,通常都是在校园里。

    In the UK, there are Confucius Institutes at universities in Manchester, Cardiff, Lampeter, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh and London, usually on campus.


  • 诺丁汉大学Robert Dingwall认为英国报道出大量的受感染人数也许部分原因由于该国检测体系的发达和完善。

    Robert Dingwall of the University of Nottingham argues that the apparently large number of reported cases in Britain may stem in part from a very good system of surveillance.


  • 诺丁汉大学基因专家JohnBrookfield教授英国出版协会如此这个逐渐演化过程清晰

    Professor John Brookfield, a specialist in evolutionary genetics at the University of Nottingham, told the UK Press Association the pecking order was clear.


  • 高兴首次来到诺丁汉诺丁汉大学访问诺丁汉大学誉为英国环境优美大学之一刚才走入校园,确实感觉风景如画。

    I am delighted to be on my first visit to the City of Nottingham and your picturesque university, which lives up to its reputation as one of the most beautiful campuses in the UK.


  • 与之相比英国直到2000年在海外建立起第一大规模大学校园诺丁汉大学建于马来西亚。

    By contrast, it was not until 2000 that the first large-scale British university campus was established abroad, by the university of Nottingham in Malaysia.


  • 来自英国诺丁汉大学研究发现,一个星期吃了超过五个苹果,他们的功能会有所改善哮喘症状也会减少

    A study from the University of Nottingham found that people who ate more than five apples a week had improved lung function, less wheeziness and fewer asthma-like symptoms.


  • 英国诺丁汉大学微生物副教授CathRees博士医学研究意外发现等离子束力量一个团队成员,她说。

    Dr Cath Rees, Associate Professor of Microbiology at the University of Nottingham was one of the team who discovered the power of the plasma beam accidentally during medical research.


  • 英国诺丁汉大学英国受欢迎尊重大学之一

    The University of Nottingham is one of UK's most popular and respected universities.


  • 英国诺丁汉大学视觉神经科学家本。韦伯解释说,出现大脑中的线路问题认为引起弱视主要原因。

    Problems with brain wiring are thought to be the main cause of amblyopia, explains Ben Webb, a visual neuroscientist at the University of Nottingham, UK.


  • 英国诺丁汉大学约翰布克菲得教授一定有蛋

    Professor John Brookfield of the University of Nottingham says the egg must have come first.


  • 英国诺丁汉女孩安农•布鲁克斯班克-琼斯梦想大学毕业就去韩国工作生活使自己韩语发音标准,给自己的舌头做了增长术。

    Rhiannon Brooksbank-Jones, Nottingham girl who dreams of living and working in South Korea once she finishes university, has her tongue lengthened to help her pronounce Korean words better.


  • 诺丁汉大学艺术设计学院现在八个毕业生代表英国马其顿共和国斯科普里参加第十四年轻艺术家双年

    Nottingham Trent University's School of Art and Design currently has eight graduates representing the UK at the XIV Biennale of Young Artists in Skopje in the Republic of Macedonia.


  • 不管是幸运还是巧合,总之,英国诺丁汉大学留学经历,让季小军终生受益

    Whether it be luck or coincidence, Ji Xiaojun's experience studying at Nottingham University brought him great benefits for the rest of his life.


  • 宁波诺丁汉大学研究生最后一学年夏季英国诺丁汉大学学习星期帮助他们完成论文研究准备工作。

    Postgraduates will spend three weeks at the University of Nottingham, UK in the summer of the final year to assist with their dissertation research.


  • 一名来自英国诺丁汉大学海盗研究专家教授斯蒂芬·哈迪顶尖地下雷达探测器技术发现了该船只残骸

    A British University of Nottingham expert on pirates with top professors Shidifenhadi underground radar detector technology found in the wreckage of ships.


  • 前往英国中部城市诺丁汉考察诺丁汉大学创意

    Go to Nottingham in the middle of England, visit Low Carbon Creative Park at the University of Nottingham.


  • 诺丁汉大学国际办公室负责人文森索·拉伊莫建议说:“海外课程学位设置英国并无二致,而且假如亚洲学习的经验,可能更受雇主青睐。”

    A director of Nottingham's international office said: "The courses and degrees are the same as you would get here, although an employer may be even more impressed by someone who has studied in Asia."


  • 英国诺丁汉大学学者通过研究称,多吃辛辣食品有效防治癌症其他疾病

    Nottingham University academics through research, eat spicy food can be an effective prevention and treatment of cancer and other diseases.


  • 诺丁汉特伦特大学今天国内排名表命名为英国环保大学

    Nottingham Trent University has today been named the UK's most environmentally friendly university in a national league table.


  • 英国诺丁汉大学梭状芽胞杆菌研究小组奈杰尔。明顿教授:“一个令人振奋发现

    Prof Nigel Minton, from the Clostridia Research Group at the University of Nottingham, said: "This is an exciting discovery."


  • 获得了英国诺丁汉大学加拿大阿卡迪亚大学两所学校的双学士

    He holds bachelor's degrees from Nottingham University, Nottingham, England, and Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada;


  • 曾先后就读于山东师范大学上海师范大学英国诺丁汉大学澳大利亚格林菲斯大学学士硕士博士学位

    He studied at Shandong Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, the University of Nottingham in UK and Griffith University in Australia, and obtained the degrees of B. A., M. a and Ph. d.


  • 曾先后就读于山东师范大学上海师范大学英国诺丁汉大学澳大利亚格林菲斯大学学士硕士博士学位

    He studied at Shandong Normal University, Shanghai Normal University, the University of Nottingham in UK and Griffith University in Australia, and obtained the degrees of B. A., M. a and Ph. d.


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