• 赌博者年龄不得低于16岁

    You have to be over 16 to bet.


  • 就像蜜蜂试图做出决定赌博们也收集着各种信息相互否认他们下注的那一刻便集合了大众的判断

    Like bees trying to make a decision, bettors gather all kinds of information, disagree with one another, and distill their collective judgment when they place their bets.


  • 心理学家早就为何有人恐怖片感到陶醉进行研究,确立了着迷过山车赌博极限运动的寻求刺激型人格的特点。

    Psychologists have long theorized about why some people revel in scary movies and have identified 'thrill-seeking personalities' who are drawn to roller coasters, gambling and extreme sports.


  • 尽管赌博合法化支持着认为它带来更多的税收收入,提供数千赌场就业岗位,但反对反对赌博扩张,因为这道德上站不住

    While supporters of legalized gambling point to much-needed tax revenues and thousands of casino jobs, opponents are lining up against gambling expansions, and not just with moral arguments.


  • 批评认为,尽管他国赌场提供了就业机会经济效益赌博成瘾和地区贫困化概率增加

    Critics argue that although casinos elsewhere provide employment and a net economic benefit, they can also increase the incidence of compulsive gambling and local deprivation.


  • 激励借来的进行大的赌博投机行为,尽管每位经验的投资知道麻烦袭来时流动资金将第一消失的。

    This has encouraged ever bigger bets with borrowed money, even though every seasoned investor knows that liquidity is the first thing to disappear when trouble strikes.


  • 那些抢劫可能想利用麻将馆想保持缄默的心态。 正是这种缄默,使得这些地方一直不为人所知:赌博违法所以赌场老板赌客们不大可能报案

    The robbers may have counted on the silence that has long kept these places in the shadows: The gambling is illegal, so owners and bettors are unlikely to report crimes.


  • 同一时期心理学家弗朗斯·克莱蒙斯认为赌博信仰有共通之处表现了一种安全感秩序赎罪需要

    A psychologist of the same period, Clemens France, saw similarities between gambling and faith: both expressed a need for reassurance, order and salvation.


  • 后来,这个故事极端结局就是这些消费患上了盗窃癖。 他们同样驱使赌徒赌博瘾君子去贩毒的强迫力量驱使着去疯狂的消费和盗窃。

    At the extreme end of the spectrum are kleptomaniacs, driven to steal by the same compulsive urge that fuels gamblers and drug addicts.


  • 赌场一个顾客发给他一张“游乐”,此卡可以积分并享受免费的食品饮料能使赌场跟踪使用赌博活动

    The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card", which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.


  • 早期研究丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)已故阿莫斯·特沃斯基(amos Tversky),进行的是人类赌博行为理论研究

    Early researchers, such as Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, were working on theories of human behaviour using gambling.


  • 这个问题出自迈克尔.刘易斯新书TheBigShort某一人物之口,书中的投资次级抵押贷款市场赌博中血本无归

    ” is the question posed by one of the characters inThe Big Short”, Michael Lewis’s new book on those few investors who bet against the subprime-mortgage market.


  • 人们总是能遇到心怀不满的辞职些老板的坏话如果通过社会媒体这么真的是赌博

    "You've always had disgruntled employees who have left their job and said bad things about an employer," she adds. "But when you do it on social media, you really up the ante."


  • 这些竞争对手度假村最近苦处可以看出赌博不仅对于下注高风险的,而且对于投资主办地也是如此。

    The recent travails of those rival resorts are a reminder that the gambling industry is risky not only for punters but also for investors and the places that host it.


  • 股票不同赌博不是赌博,一切运动自然规律投资最终结果没有入市通过个人性格已经注定

    Unlike the stock gambling, or gambling, all the movement has his law of nature, investors have not yet the final results before the stock market through individual's personality had been doomed!


  • 消费集团赌博这些努力不会疏远零售商店广泛客户基础包括最大的客户,沃尔玛WMT)的。

    The consumer conglomerate is gambling that these efforts won't alienate its extensive customer base of retail stores, including its largest customer, Wal-Mart Stores (WMT).


  • 消费一定理性对待这种情况,不宜盲目开发商这种行为也是赌博,高回报高风险同在。

    Consumers must be rational treatment of this situation, not the blind pursuit of high, and the developers of such ACTS is also a kind of gambling, high-return and high risk the same.


  • 投机活动大多数赌博活动不同之处在于,投机参与信念会影响投机结果某些情况下投资能够创造出自我实现预言。

    Speculation differs from most gambling activities in that the beliefs of the participants affect the results. In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.


  • 投机活动大多数赌博活动不同之处在于,投机参与信念会影响投机结果某些情况下投资能够创造出自我实现预言。

    Speculation differs from most gambling activities in that the beliefs of the participants affect the results. In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.


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