It made me understand a profound truth: that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.
You gazed at me with eyes full of love and made me understand that I was meant to share it with you. my heart my mind my soul.
Which leads me to my own theory about colds and why they have been so bad this year.
Actually, it did make me feel better. That bothered me, for I didn't understand why.
I fill my schedule with bookings months in advance, which allows me to see where the quiet periods are in my calendar.
我明白了。让我为你展示我们的一些最好的作品。这枚戒指有一个抛光面石,很有光泽。这不是很精致的吗? ?。
Ellie: : I understand. Let me show you some of our finest pieces. This ring has a polished faceted stone that has a lot of luster. Isn't it exquisite?
I knew that nobody had taken a picture of a bear under water and I had a clear idea in my mind of what I wanted.
I knew that nobody had taken a picture of a bear under water and I had a clear idea in my mind of what I wanted.