By reducing the remote method calls, application performance can be improved.
This meant a lot of remote method calls between our middle and third tier.
Notifies the profiler that the process has received a remote method invocation or activation request.
远程区域提供了一个使用远程方法调用(RMI)API 的缓存区域。
The remote region provides a cache region using a remote method invocation (RMI) API.
A regular round trip remote method call is modeled as two messages, one for the request and one for the response.
Notifies the profiler that the process is invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.
You can use any kind of serialization mechanism to handle the remote method calls and the serialization of data.
Notifies the profiler that the process has finished invoking a method in response to a remote method invocation request.
In this case, the servlet looks up the EJB and makes remote method calls to manipulate the data as follows.
A portlet accessing a remote entity bean directly usually results in several remote method calls.
It provides a simple way for service providers to describe the format of requests and response messages for remote method invocations (RMI).
客户机JAX - RPC的亮点之一就在于它能把上下文信息和端点的远程方法调用关联起来。
One of the beauties of JAX-RPC for the client is its ability to associate context information with an endpoint's remote method call.
动态发现过程的目的是自动化地添加客户平台和开始对远程方法调用的机器上的 DCI 的监控。
The purpose of the dynamic discovery process is to automatically have the client workbench attach and begin monitoring the DCI located on the machine where the remote method is being invoked.
From there, I'll go on to compare SOAP, and RPC in general, with one of its biggest competitors, remote method invocation (RMI).
A prototype system that realize the dynamic flexibility based on the Middleware technology and the object-oriented concept is introduced.
远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)用特殊的方式利用序列化过程。
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) employs the serialization process in a special manner.
Every remote method call involves transferring data from the client EJB stub to the server and back to the client EJB stub generating network traffic.
远程方法调用仍然使用按值调用(call -by - value)语义,您当然需要知道该语义。
Remote method calls still use call-by-value semantics of which you certainly need to be aware.
A session bean accessing multiple entity beans is much more efficient and easy to maintain than allowing clients to make multiple remote method calls.
To demonstrate the basic technique, Listing 1 shows Python code that USES dynamic features to log all invocations of a remote method to standard error on the console.
Remote-procedure-call (RPC) services let your application interact with remote servers to provide data to your applications, or for your application to send data to a server.
The contents of the Holder class are modified by the remote method calls and the service client can use this changed content after the method invocation.
If you think about the mechanics of making a remote method call, it makes perfect sense to define the direction that the parameters will be moving in — client-to-server, server-to-client, or both.
例如,如果所有远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)调用必须在120秒内完成,则对银行设备的每次服务调用最多花费120秒时间。
For example, if all Remote Method invocation (RMI) outbound invocations must be completed within 120 seconds, then each service invocation to the banking device takes at most 120 seconds.
与EJB通信的应用程序(这些应用程序基于远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)和servlet)必须使OR b线程池的大小被配置。
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) -based and servlet-based applications that communicate with EJBs must have the ORB thread pool size configured.
这意味着如果一个远程客户机通过远程方法调用(Remote Method Invocation,RMI)协议调用服务器上的EJB,则也可以从远程客户机无缝收集到性能数据。
This means that if you have a remote client invoking EJBs on the server over the remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol, you can also seamlessly collect performance data from the remote client.
This tells DWR that remote clients can call methods in this class.
However, EJB will still have a place in defining endpoints for message delivery, remote and asynchronous method invocation, timers, etc.
Your program passes the name of the remote method to invoke and any necessary parameters.