GONG Zizhen's moral educational thought includes the comment of moral origination, moral teaching, the principles of moral education, the method of moral education and so on.
The origin and evolution of morality has a model and path. It is restricted, affected and selected by a kind of competition pressure and human being's cognition and rationality.
As the subject of purpose, why must people observe those external tool norms? It is necessary to understand the theory about the moral origin again.
But only the moral special and the direct origin, the goal as well as the standard, is possibly for promote the zoology and botany that is the non-humanity existence benefit.
Though I can only contentedly resign myself to the fate compelling me to work: I'd never dream of doing away with moral rules, since they spring from inevitable decline.
"You see, " said the veterinarian "Pet shop puppies do not come from ethical breeders.
Was it in the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin?
Evolutionary psychology argues that the moral disgust originates from physical disgust.
Evolutionary psychology argues that the moral disgust originates from physical disgust.