• 早婚早育在那里不再遭到反对了。

    Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.


  • 提案遭到反对党的抨击。

    The proposal was assailed by the opposition party.


  • 不要担心遭到反对建议有效

    Don't be afraid of opposition; your Suggestions are valid.


  • 许多意见遭到反对

    Opposition to your ideas could build up too.


  • 尽管遭到反对罗斯福及其新政仍然颇受欢迎

    In spite of the opposition, Roosevelt and his New Deal were popular.


  • 然而巴马计划不仅仅各州层面遭到反对

    But it is not just at the state level that Mr Obama's plan faces opposition.


  • 报酬就是得到公认惩罚则是遭到反对疯狂的毁。

    The reward is widespread recognition; the punishment, fierce denial and detraction .


  • 肯定巴拉克奥巴马不会的观点遭到反对的时候担忧

    I'm sure Barack Obama isn't worrying about fluffing his lines at his inorgaration!


  • 北京奥运会跟腱重伤退之后刘翔中国遭到反对

    Liu suffered a backlash in China after his Beijing Olympic exit, caused by a severe injury to the Achilles tendon.


  • 尽管遭到反对,2009年同事首次国内建立学系

    She and some of her colleagues established the department in 2009, the first of its kind in the country, in spite of opposition.


  • 原定计划工厂设在孟加拉邦,但遭到反对被迫在最后时刻转战Sanand

    There was opposition to Tata's original plans to site the factory in West Bengal, forcing a last-minute scramble to switch the site to Sanand.


  • 虽然城市化建设没有遭到反对,但印度城市建设日本公司协助下还是姗姗来迟。

    City planning has come to the fore, with help from Japanese companies, though urbanization is not without detractors.


  • 新的意见总是受人怀疑通常还会遭到反对原因不是别的——众人熟悉而已。

    New opinions are always suspected and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.


  • 商机随之而来:英国可以北欧进口废气那里试点CCS项目由于岸上封存遭到反对而受阻。

    Commercial opportunities might follow: Britain could import waste gas from northern Europe, where pilot CCS projects have stumbled because of opposition to onshore stores.


  • 学校官员最初表示称这些禁令是出于安全原因但是遭到反对之后,他们又变了说法。

    School officials originally cited safety reasons for the bans. But now facing protest, officials are now backpedalling.


  • 公共卫生政策既得经济利益相冲突,我们将会遭到反对而且精心策划而且资金雄厚反对

    When public health policies cross purposes with vested economic interests, we will face opposition, well-orchestrated opposition, and very well-funded opposition.


  • 遭到反对与其心生不悦,不如去积极倾听寻求共识自信坚持自己主张,不要固执己见。

    Rather than getting upset when others disagree with you, listen actively and find the areas of agreement. Be assertive and stand up for yourself, but don't be.


  • 遭到反对与其心生不悦,不如去积极倾听寻求共识自信坚持自己主张,不要固执己见。

    Rather than getting upset when others disagree with you, listen actively and find the areas of agreement. Be assertive and stand up for yourself, but don't be rigid.


  • 尽管收到警告英国还是有17%女性承认怀孕期间吸烟大多数时候都是私下进行的,因为她们遭到反对

    Despite the warnings, around 17 per cent of women in the UK admit to smoking throughout pregnancy, often in secret because they fear disapproval.


  • 虽然知道自己可能遭到反对,他还是:“DSi很多任天堂的第一方软件,而这家公司恰好又是全世界最好游戏公司。

    There is a large first-party with the DSi, and that company is the best game company in the world.


  • ·普尔核电站计划可能会继续遭到反对不仅出于安全顾虑,还有来自当地居民反对,他们认为核电站使他们失去家园生计

    The Jaitapur complex is likely to face continued opposition not only on safety grounds, but from local residents who say the complex will deprive them of their homes and livelihoods.


  • MathML3 中,现有用法遭到反对一个src属性扩展了 mglyph,使之成为一般图像引用元素类似HTMLimg 元素。

    In MathML3, the existing usage is deprecated and mglyph has been extended with a src attribute to be a general image reference element, similar to HTML's img element.


  • 提案遭到强烈反对

    The new proposals have met with stiff opposition.


  • 政府发现自己遭到强烈的反对

    The government found itself confronted by massive opposition.


  • 遭到一个联盟反对,该联盟大约五十个民权组织妇女组织拉美人组织构成。

    He had been opposed by a coalition of about 50 civil rights, women's, and Latino organizations.


  • 计划遭到公开直接反对

    There was outright opposition to the plan.


  • 这项建议因遭到坚决反对放弃

    The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition.


  • 这项建议因遭到坚决反对放弃

    The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition.


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