• 采用实用新型,既满足要求节约能源

    Use this utility models, can meet the requirements, but also energy conservation.


  • 采用实用新型结构密封运行平稳使用寿命

    With the above structure, operation of the seal is stable, and the service life is long.


  • 采用实用新型悬挂窗帘,窗帘皱折底边整齐、美观。

    When a curtain is hung by using the utility model, the folds and the bottom edges of the curtain are regular and beautiful.


  • 采用本实用新型制造电池初始放电电压提高10%。

    By adopting the lithium battery manufactured by the utility model, the initial discharge voltage can be improved about 10%.


  • 建设用地受限条件采用实用新型工程建设有利

    Under the condition of a limiting construction land, the utility model is beneficial to the engineering construction.


  • 采用实用新型结构原理可以制成各种流体交换反应

    The structure principle of the utility model can be used to make various liquid exchanging flutes or reaction jars.


  • 采用实用新型使所钻位置精度显著提高操作方便

    The application of the utility model can improve the accuracy of the place of the bone hole that is to be drilled, and the operation is convenient.


  • 采用实用新型由于机械密封操作更好掌握,故安装质量易于控制

    Because taking the mechanical seal, the utility model is better mastered in operation; the installation quality is easy to control.


  • 采用实用新型提供连接固定更换方便快捷有利于备件管理

    After the connection fixing seat is adopted, the replacement, the disassembly and the assembly are convenient and fast, and the management of spare parts is facilitated.


  • 采用实用新型实现在线自动化作业减轻劳动强度提高取样工作效率质量

    The utility model can realize the online automation operation, relieve the labor intensity and increase the sampling operating efficiency and the sample quality.


  • 采用本实用新型能够辅助一起与石膏板墙体结合得更为紧密便于平稳物品

    The hanging nail assistant sleeve can be used for combining the hanging nails with the wall body of the gypsum board more tightly to stably hang articles.


  • 采用实用新型结构意外停电后无须打开壳体即可解除制动装置壳体的状态

    By adopting the structure of the utility model, the tight closure state of the brake device and the housing can be relieved without opening the housing in the event of accidental power cut.


  • 采用本实用新型模具可以一次性整体制得多孔元件并且多孔锥管强度高,透气性能好。

    A taper pipe porous element can be once integrally manufactured by adopting the mould, and the porous taper pipe has high strength and good air permeability performance.


  • 采用本实用新型所述合成绝缘子能够有效改善复合绝缘子高压端部电压表面场强分布

    The synthetic insulator can effectively improve the high-pressure side end voltage and the surface field distribution of the composite insulator.


  • 采用实用新型香烟盒包装香烟体过滤嘴一端向下放置,香烟体的防菌一端向上放置。

    By adopting the utility model, the end of the filter tip is put downward when the cigarettes are boxed and packed, and the end with fungi-proof cover is put upward.


  • 采用实用新型解决了原有陶瓷 容器容易被碰碎问题,同时解决了不锈钢容器易传烫手的问 题。

    Thus, the utility model gets rid of friability of traditional ceramic vessel and easy heat transfer and hand burning of traditional stainless steel container.


  • 采用实用新型结构衣板,由于木条的加固作用,在使用过程中减少了对板压力使搓衣板的寿命更长。

    The washboard using the structure of the utility model reduces pressure to the washboard body in use to make the service life of the washboard long because of the reinforcing function of the wood bar.


  • 采用实用新型装订专用导电橡胶垫座,不仅方便了用户装订操作提高装订效率而且避免机器产生运行故障钻头出现早期磨损

    The utility model is featured with convenient bookbinding operation and high working efficiency, and can avoid operation faults of the machine and early wearing of the drill.


  • 实用新型全部材料采用腐蚀不锈钢

    Whole material of this practical new type USES corrosion preventive stainless steel.


  • 实用新型采用简单构造设计出款模拟留声机,产品极具趣味性

    The utility model designs an analog gramophone with simple structure, which is interesting.


  • 采用以上方案使得实用新型具有结构简单,除及时确保电力传输线冰冻气候下正常使用特点

    With the proposal, the utility model has the characteristics of simple structure and timely de-icing and guarantees the normal use of electric transmission wires in the freezing climate.


  • 实用新型采用上述技术方案扣件重复使用节约了大量物力财力

    After the utility model using the above technology schemes, the fastener can be used repeatedly and a large amount of the material resources and financial resources are saved.


  • 采用上述设计实用新型具有简单快速地形成任意板式塔、安装维修方便等优点

    By adopting the design, the utility model has the advantages of simple and rapid formation of tower plates of the plate tower with arbitrary number, and convenient installation and maintenance.


  • 采用上述结构实用新型具有结构简单、使用方便、可通过自动旋转特点

    After the structure is used, the utility model has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient operation, and automatic rotation carried out through the button.


  • 实用新型设计合理结构简单夹板采用活动装置根据不同规格钢筋进行变换。

    The utility model has reasonable design; the structure is simple; the clamp platen adopts a movable device which can be changed according to the different standards of the reinforcing bars.


  • 采用实用新型技术方案使得柱塞式液压密封装置便于安装,提高了密封性能

    By adoption of the technical proposal of the utility model, a sealing device of the plunger hydraulic cylinder is convenient for assembly, and the sealing performance is improved.


  • 为了实现道路除雪机械化实用新型采用曲柄平行四杆机构作为工作机构

    In order to realize the mechanization of snow removal on roads, the utility model USES a double-crank type parallelogram linkage as a working mechanism.


  • 实用新型采用液压传动消除测量过程中的机械振动速度可以进行调整提高了测量的精度。

    The utility model adopts a hydraulic drive type which can eliminates the mechanical vibration in the course of measuring, can adjust speed, and can increase measuring precision.


  • 本实用新型结构简单紧凑采用水封结构水气分离器使用安全节约能源

    The utility model has the advantage of simple and compact structure, and due to the adoption of the water sealing structure and the moisture separator, the use is safe and the energy is saved.


  • 实用新型由于采用牵引车前端设置挂钩设计,最大限度地保护工作人员安全,同时,还提高了工作效率

    By arranging the hooks at the front end of the tractor, the utility model can protect operators to the utmost extend, and simultaneously increases work efficiency.


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