• 屋顶上的横梁上吊上电灯

    He hung the light from a steel crossbeam in the roof.


  • 标准设计包括不锈存储器

    The standard spec includes stainless steel holding tanks.


  • 四十年代某个时候开始使用的。

    Steel cans were introduced sometime during the forties.


  • 铁炼成的。

    Steel is made from iron.


  • 如果必要我们可用代替

    If necessary, we can use aluminum instead of steel.


  • 刀刃优质的锻造的。

    A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.


  • 如果必要我们可用

    If necessary, we can use aluminium instead of steel.


  • 如果为什么海上漂浮

    If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to float on the sea?


  • 解放前全国年产量最高90

    Before liberation, China's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons.


  • 如果为什么海上漂起来

    If steel is heavier than water, why are ships able to float on the sea.


  • 一个可以装满玉米

    A steel can gets filled with corn.


  • 声音通过的传导方式空气中的传导方式一样

    Sound is conducted through steel in the same manner as through air.


  • 这些巨大的集装箱产品国家运到另一个国家。

    These huge steel containers carry products from one country to another.


  • 结实

    The steel is strong.


  • 数百冰冷北大西洋裂开其中12艘船成两沉没

    The steel shells of hundreds of the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic, and 12 broke in half and sank.


  • 第二世界大战期间低温的易碎性首次成为人们关注主要问题。

    Steel's fragility at low temperatures first became a major concern during the Second World War.


  • 到了20世纪20年代随着大众舞蹈运动出现人们一起棒吉他

    By the 1920s, with the advent of the public dance movement, people were gathering in large groups to listen to steel guitar music.


  • 穿了一蓝色开士米羊绒连衣裙,有些地方还保留少量天鹅绒还有许多

    She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding.


  • 由此产生似乎达到强度韧性结合合金含量非常因而非常昂贵的现代相当

    The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is comparable to that of modern steels that are very rich in alloy content and, therefore, very expensive.


  • 确保它们干净它们放进发酵箱里干净的双手或是不锈/塑料土豆器弄它们。

    Ensure that they are clean and place into a fermentation bin. Crush with your clean hands or a sterilized stainless steel/plastic potato masher.


  • 为了减少建筑整体重量楼层使用较少混凝土反过来减少结构的使用。

    To reduce the overall weight of the building, it used less concrete in the floors; that in turn enabled it to cut down on structural steel.


  • 这个巨大不久之后置于个大型燃汽涡轮机中心涡轮机发电量可以满足一个小城市需要

    This enormous hunk of steel will soon be at the centre of a gas turbine big enough to meet the electricity needs of a small city.


  • 轮子旋转需要承受巨大的不断变化压力所以使结构坚固部分要用螺栓连接,不是焊接在一起

    The wheel would need to withstand immense and constantly changing stresses as it rotated, so to make the structure more robust, the steel sections were bolted rather than welded together.


  • 然而现在一种新型已经开发出来,它可以低的温度下抵抗断裂同时保持强度韧性而不需要昂贵添加剂

    Now, though, a novel type of steel has been developed that resists fractures at much lower temperatures, while retaining its strength and toughnesswithout the need for expensive additives.


  • 不锈普通焊接在一起可能的。

    It's possible to weld stainless steel to ordinary steel.


  • 美元--大部分是蹦儿--递到了手里

    She was counting out a dollar, mostly in small change, into my hand.


  • 运送燃料容器极为坚固合金制成的。

    Flasks for the transport of spent fuel are extremely strong containers made of steel or steel and lead.


  • 为了用混凝土覆盖剪力他们支撑摩天大楼的骨架或是上。

    To concrete shear walls, they add steel braces to a skyscraper's skeleton or beefier rebar.


  • 为了用混凝土覆盖剪力他们支撑摩天大楼的骨架或是上。

    To concrete shear walls, they add steel braces to a skyscraper's skeleton or beefier rebar.


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