• 今天不同,英国内公众意见全民选举周期阿富汗战争指挥施加了压倒性影响

    Today, on the other hand, in the U.S. and Britain public opinion and the electoral cycle exercise an overwhelming influence over the conduct of the war in Afghanistan.


  • 认为国防部更多倾心于他们使用非常的基础特种兵空中力量完成了阿富汗战争

    And I think the Defense Department was enamored with what they felt they’d accomplished in Afghanistan with a very small force of basically special-ops guys and the air force.


  • 主持一次关于阿富汗战争讨论会他说:“我们已经那里虚耗了不能浪费年。”

    The PM, who was also to lead a discussion on Afghanistan, said: "We cannot be there for another five years, having been there for effectively nine years altogether."


  • 美军的注意力将不是适用于常规战争武器,而是非常规战争(如伊拉克阿富汗战争)所需要武器。

    It is a move away from weapons for conventional conflicts, focusing instead on weapons needed for the unconventional warfare the us is fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 26尼克是一名经历过阿富汗战争老兵也患有损伤,但不是这次科研项目的受试者。

    Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.


  • 26尼克是一名经历过阿富汗战争老兵也患有损伤,但不是这次科研项目的受试者。

    Nick Colgin, 26, an Army veteran with a brain injury from the war in Afghanistan, who was not involved in the study, said he would like very much to have one of the sensitive M.R.I.


  • 美国高级军事领导人公布数万过去年来有关美国领导阿富汗战争秘密文件,令感到震惊不已。

    America's top military officer says he is "appalled" at the release of thousands of secret documents covering the last six years of the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.


  • 意味着的欧洲人,尤其是德国人,过去诸如阿富汗战争此类冒险活动做出更多贡献

    And that means that reluctant europeans-germans in particular-will have to contribute more than they have done to such ventures as the war in Afghanistan.


  • 我们希望这个档案公布能够引导大家对阿富汗战争一个全面理解以及提供原材料改变的习惯的必要性

    We hope its release will lead to a comprehensive understanding of the war in Afghanistan and provide the raw ingredients necessary to change its course.


  • 北约准备任何礼物由于阿富汗战争需要叫停明年夏天波罗的海的一些军演腾出空余时间自检

    NATO may not send anything, barring some exercises in the Baltic next summer. It is transfixed by the needs of Afghanistan, devoting its spare moments to examining its own navel.


  • 荣誉勋章并不祈求纪录片一样反映阿富汗战争也像其他射击游戏那样制造出直接而激烈战斗感觉

    Medal of Honor does not aspire to capture the war in Afghanistan in a documentary sense, but like other shooters, it creates a visceral sensation of combat.


  • 而且这个地区自从50年代以来开发作他用例如作为山地战训练中心训练一支海军参加阿富汗战争

    And the area has already been colonised since the 1950s for other USES, such as a mountain-warfare centre that trained the first marines to enter Afghanistan.


  • 英国勉强伊拉克战争抽身,又纠结阿富汗战争资金生命代价令其重新评估自己世界地位

    As it limps away from the war in Iraq and struggles with the cost, in money and lives, of another in Afghanistan, Britain is re-evaluating its place in the world.


  • 一旦新的战略采用峰会重点转向北约当下最为紧迫的问题——前景不明朗阿富汗战争以及至今从中收获教训

    Once the new strategic concept is adopted, the summit will turn to the alliance's most pressing problem-the uncertain prospects of the campaign in Afghanistan and the lessons so far drawn from it.


  • 不过这个预算没有假定明年之后伊拉克阿富汗战争追加经费,同时也使许多布什实行创记录减税项目期满作废

    But it assumes no additional spending for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after next year and allows many of the President's record tax cuts to expire.


  • 奥巴马计划周三白宫会见批高级军事指挥官讨论如何履行选举时针对伊拉克撤军赢得阿富汗战争胜利承诺

    Obama is scheduled to meet senior military commanders at the White House on Wednesday to discuss how to fulfil his election promises to withdraw US troops from Iraq and win the war in Afghanistan.


  • 餐桌山地景致社团拓展训练的存在,使得一基地人们关于九十分钟航程之外的阿富汗战争提供了平静视角

    With its picnic tables, mountain views and community-outreach programmes, this site provides a tranquil vantage-point for the war in Afghanistan, just 90 minutes' flight away.


  • 上星期晚些时候盖茨暗示说看到将近10之久的阿富汗战争可能结束归功于过去一年安全方面取得的成果。

    The defense secretary hinted late last week that he saw a possible end in sight to the nearly 10-year-old war, thanks to security gains in the past year and a half.


  • 澳大利亚美国1950年代以来就是紧密盟友,澳大利亚派兵参加越南战争最近还出兵参加了伊拉克阿富汗战争

    The two countries have been close allies since the early 1950s. It is an enduring alliance that saw Australian troops serve in the Vietnam War, as well as more recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 项盖洛普民意测验显示美国人阿富汗战争支持率创下新低,42%被访者表示,美军派往阿富汗是个错误。

    A Gallup poll showed that American support for the war in Afghanistan has hit a new low, with 42% of respondents saying that sending American troops to the country had been a mistake.


  • 方面讲,斥资数千亿平复阿富汗战争,徒劳无功,可能有多大帮助有用(如果具有挑战性)的办法可能如下

    In that regard, spending hundreds of billions vainly attempting to pacify Afghanistan is unlikely to help much. Far more useful (if hardly less challenging) might be the following.


  • 波士顿环球邮报》报道,美国波斯正在筹建全球最大面部移植项目伊拉克阿富汗战争中面部严重毁容老兵治疗。

    The world's biggest face transplant program is being set up in Boston for veterans left severely deformed after surviving horrific war injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Boston Globe reported.


  • 真正使批评欧洲反战论的美国人不得其解的,欧洲各国站出来反对伊拉克战争拒绝阿富汗战争作出更大承诺

    What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.


  • 伊拉克撤军巴马支持者所预想难得多阿富汗战争需要美国人和欧洲人付出更多的牺牲—比奥巴马准备付出的还要多。

    Withdrawing from Iraq will be harder than Mr Obama's supporters hope; the war in Afghanistan will demand more sacrifices from Americans and Europeans than he has yet prepared them for.


  • 迪亚:《五角大楼文件》表明越南战争,民众受到误导,但是我们知道阿富汗战争中的情况这些文件表示的一样糟糕

    DiA: the Pentagon Papers showed we were being misled in Vietnam, but we knew the situation in Afghanistan was as grim as what these new documents suggest.


  • (美军)阿富汗行动却正好相反非常复杂令人沮丧,强烈暗示着阿富汗战争CIA阿富汗秘密行动未来—以迪克。

    The Afghanistan operation was quite the oppositehighly sophisticated and devastating, with vast implications for both the war in Afghanistan and future clandestine CIA operations.


  • (美军)阿富汗行动却正好相反非常复杂令人沮丧,强烈暗示着阿富汗战争CIA阿富汗秘密行动未来—以迪克。

    The Afghanistan operation was quite the oppositehighly sophisticated and devastating, with vast implications for both the war in Afghanistan and future clandestine CIA operations.


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