• 毛儿学校效果最好的事情,就是整个星期午饭时间孩子坐在陌生的孩子中间。

    The most effective thing Jamal's school did was to make kids sit next to students they didn't know during lunch period for a week.


  • 人们以前教过自己孩子提防陌生

    People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.


  • 孩子可能会间接方式他们父母表达具有攻击性的情绪,比如毁坏家具以后生活陌生人发泄这种情绪。

    They may be expressed toward parents in indirect ways such as destroying furniture, or they may be expressed toward strangers later in life.


  • 真是有趣害羞山地人。”赛赛曼先生自言自语,他陌生出现竟然这个高山牧场单纯孩子吓成这个样子。

    "What a funny, bashful mountaineer!" Mr. Sesemann remarked to himself, thinking that the appearance of a stranger had upset this simple son of the Alps.


  • 第一演示我们可以选择孩子学习什么单词孩子可以陌生声音陌生的环境下给出指令回应单词。

    This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.


  • 十分兴奋,似乎没有意识到,她是在与一个完全陌生的人分享孩子的照片。

    In her excitement, she didn't seem to realize that she was sharing the baby's photos with a complete stranger.


  • 些父母经常告诉他们的孩子不要相信陌生人的话。

    Some parents often tell their kids not to believe strangers' words.


  • 例如,即使非常拥挤公共汽车上总是陌生人为老人、孩子孕妇让座

    For instance, the eldly, little kids, and pregnant women are usually provided seats by strangers in the most crowded buses.


  • 陌生同事朋友父母配偶孩子、亲戚,即使是那些并不特别关心的人,那些我们称之为地球太空飞船中所有游客们。

    Strangers, colleagues, friends, parents, your spouse, children, relatives — even the ones you don't particularly care for! — and all fellow travelers on this spaceship we call Earth.


  • 对于家里来到陌生地方孩子尿床一个正常反映

    It is normal reaction in children who have been removed from their homes to a strange place.


  • 我们正式注册结婚,但法律上讲,迪亚自己孩子来说却是陌生

    We are legally married and Lydia is a stranger to her own kids by law.


  • 发达国家,越来越多妇女选择不要孩子然而为什么朋友家人同事甚至是陌生质疑她们决定呢?

    More women in the developed world are choosing not to have children. So why do friends, family, colleagues and even strangers think it's OK to question their decision?


  • 时至今日,这么白人女性那些凑上来直勾勾看的陌生眼神只能当作一种习惯诸如“你孩子穿衣裳不太啊,不怕着凉吗”之类的问题也要习惯性地予以解答。

    By now, as a white woman, she’s used to strangers coming right up to her and staring. Or demanding to know why one of her kids isn’t dressed warmly enough.


  • 但是后来火车上遇到这个父亲。原来因为妻子要一个孩子这个家庭无法隐藏出来的孩子,因此他将心爱女儿送给陌生人。

    But later she meets the father on the train: he has abandoned his beloved daughter to strangers because his wife is expecting another child and the family cannot hide more than one.


  • 由于一些耸人听闻新闻报道大众常常认为孩子最大的安全隐患来自于陌生

    Because of alarmist news coverage, the general public often believes that the greatest threat to children is from strangers.


  • 我们的确可以客人陌生隐瞒自己孩子社会性别至少最初几年里可以这样做。

    It is true that the gender can be concealed from visitors and strangers, at least in the early years.


  • 除了特别的情况下除了孩子向别人展示自己的画作人们火车上不和陌生说话的。

    Except in unusual circumstances, or unless a child shows off a drawing, people on trains don't speak to strangers.


  • 迄今为止,接的具意义任务就是见证一个孩子出生:孩子父亲是个陌生只是想让别人拍照分享这个时刻

    So far, the most meaningful assignment she was given was attending a child's birth — the father was a complete stranger who just wanted someone to take pictures and share the moment.


  • 陌生国度里没人知道在哪,孩子们又在回家,想到这些,我害怕极了。

    That was pretty scary, being stranded in another country when nobody knew I was there, and knowing my kids were expecting me to read them a story.


  • 里循环着我们的生活,孩子一下子就让本来陌生人们露出微笑如果他们还不能走路的话,甚至可以用他们“骗到”路边顺风车。

    The kids are always first to make people smile, and if they are too young to walk far you can oftencheat’ by hiring transport to villages close to the road.


  • 忍心丢开所照应孩子而且知道曾经是恩的共乳姊妹,总一个陌生人对行为还能够宽恕些。

    I had not the heart to leave my charge; and besides, you know I had been his foster-sister, and excused his behaviour more readily than a stranger would.


  • 事实上父母虐待绑架甚至杀害孩子几率高于街上任何一陌生

    In fact, children are in far more danger of being abused, kidnapped or killed by their parents than any stranger on the street.


  • 自己的孩子外出旅行需要陌生善意帮助宿命

    My own children have travelled and I too have had to rely on the kindness of strangers, so this is karma.


  • 没有硝烟美丑;一个被抛掷在陌生、丑陋、卑鄙荒原上孩子一切纯洁古老高尚传统的渴望。

    And withoutthe frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.


  • 现在,我们来验证一下,男人第一陌生女人说话时应该怎样做是那些害羞孩子接受的。

    Now let’s examine the frame of mind that most men adopt when speaking to a woman for the first time.


  • 现在,我们来验证一下,男人第一陌生女人说话时应该怎样做是那些害羞孩子接受的。

    Now let’s examine the frame of mind that most men adopt when speaking to a woman for the first time.


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