We believe it was bound and sacrificed and buried to guard the coin offerings.
The niches along the path has been the main place to set the mortuary objects; 4.
It would have been considered an honour for the dog, which was probably quite old, to be sacrificed in this way.
In addition, men tended to be interred with weapons, hammers and flint knives as well as several portions of food and drink to accompany them to the other side.
In this case, the man was on his left side with his head facing west and surrounded by domestic jugs - rituals only previously seen in female graves.
Thousands of ancient Inca mummies, some bundled together in small groups with their possessions, have been discovered beneath a shantytown near Lima, Peru.
Furthermore, the unfinished weapons and grass mat that accompanied the Iceman are better explained as grave goods and a funeral shroud than as mountaineering gear.
Another clue is that men tended to be interred with weapons, hammers and flint knives as well as several portions of food and drink to accompany them to the other side.
The KV55 tomb contained a cache of material thought to have been brought by Tutankhamun to Thebes from Amarna, where Akhenaten (and perhaps Smenkhkare) had been buried.
许多苹果迷们对苹果公司满怀忠诚:10月辞世的美国影星托尼·柯蒂斯(Tony Curtis)将他的iPhone作为陪葬品,就像是一位法老渴望在来世继续更新Facebook状态一样。
Many fans view Apple with devotion: Tony Curtis, who died in October, was buried with his iPhone, like a pharaoh anxious to update his Facebook status from the afterlife.
许多苹果迷们对苹果公司满怀忠诚:10月辞世的美国影星托尼·柯蒂斯(Tony Curtis)将他的iPhone作为陪葬品,就像是一位法老渴望在来世继续更新Facebook状态一样。
Many fans view Apple with devotion: Tony Curtis, who died in October, was buried with his iPhone, like a pharaoh anxious to update his Facebook status from the afterlife.