• 预混料企业真的需要转型吗?

    Premix enterprises need to be change really?


  • 发明公开了乳仔猪中草药复合预混料

    The invention discloses Chinese herbal medicine compound premix used for piglets.


  • 预混维生素预混料高度浓缩的成分。

    Premixes and vitamin blends are more concentrated mixes.


  • 预混氨基酸、矿物质元素和维生素

    NoteL:Complex premix provided trace-mineral, vitamins, amino acid, et al.


  • 发明公开了一种农大3小型蛋鸡育雏复合预混料

    The invention discloses a compound premix for Nongda No. 3 grain-saving small laying hens in the brooding period.


  • 发明公开了一种水产饲维生素预混料水产养殖领域

    The invention discloses a vitamin premix compound for aquatic feed, belonging to the field of aquaculture feed.


  • 上述沸石粉为额外添加,低聚木糖地衣芽孢杆菌直接添加预混料

    Zeolete is supplemented the feed additionally, Xyol-Oligosaccharides and Bacillus licheniformis are added to the premix directly.


  • 适用大型预混厂、大型养殖场,外销产品饮水使用。

    This product is suitable for large-scale feeding factories, pre-mixing feeding factories, farms and gardens. Additionally, products for overseas selling are suitable to drink animals.


  • 采用硫氰酸铁—亚硝酸催化测定1 %复合预混料微量元素含量

    Using the method of Fe(SCN) HNO 2 catalyze, the 1% content of iodide micro element in compound premix for cattle and sheep was menstruated.


  • 发明涉及奶牛围产后期专用复合预混及其应用,涉及动物技术领域

    The invention relates to the technical field of animal feed, in particular to a compound pre-mixed material for dairy cows in the post-perinatal period and application thereof.


  • 针对不同地区养殖特点,用户提供预混料配合浓缩系列产品

    We provide premix, compound and concentrated feed products to farmers in different regions adapting to the farming requirements of their region.


  • 2003年初加入帝斯曼公司,主要从事强化大米婴儿奶粉预混技术工作。

    Joined DSM at the beginning of 2003, I devote myself to the research of fortified rice and infant milk powder premixes.


  • 组分高精度、中低压的计量计量进入静态混合器进入预混料循环

    One composition enters the static mixer after metering through high-accurate and medium-low-pressure metering pump and goes into the premixing bank for cycling.


  • 适用各种预混料食品添加剂以及小型养殖场制药厂

    It is appropriate for all kinds of premix plant, feed, food additives plant and small size feed plant, farm, pharmaceutical factory, etc.


  • 结果显示:研制的1%预混明显优于我国现行母猪饲养标准配制的1%预混料

    All these indicated that 1% premix feed for sows newly developed is better than 1% premix feed for sows prepared according to current sow feeding standard in China.


  • 发明涉及水产养殖技术领域特别是种低盐度养殖凡纳对虾添加预混

    The present invention belongs to the field of aquaculture feed technology, in particular, it relates to an additive premixed material for low-salinity culture of Fanna prawn.


  • 而且预混料中的各种高浓度微量元素存在同样益生菌造成不同程度伤害

    Feed premix and the high concentration of trace elements in the presence of probiotics will also caused varying degrees of damage.


  • 饲喂绿叶功能预混氨基酸总量苏太猪对照组、杜长大组相比有显著提高

    In comparison with both the control group of Sutai pigs and Duroc pigs, total content of amino acids of Sutai pigs that are fed the Luye functional premixed feed significantly increased.


  • 采用因子随机分组试验方法研究了几种不同生产厂家添加剂预混肥猪饲喂效果

    With the random single factor group division method, the effect of feed premix made by different factories on producing performance of growing pigs are studied.


  • 分别从耐热4%预混料中的贮存稳定性两个方面丸型酸性蛋白酶进行了研究。

    The micro particle acidic proteinase was studied respectively in respects of its heat stability and storage stability, when 4% of it was added in a pre-mixed pig feed.


  • 产品温度湿度不稳定的,所以产品严格冷水水晶模型保存使用解决预混料专用能力

    The product of temperature and moisture are unstable, so the products are strictly cold water Crystal model to preserve that use only pre-mixed solution to a dedicated capacity.


  • 综述了中国添加预混生产概况新型添加剂预混料开发目标添加剂预混料销售技巧

    The general situation of feed additive premix production, developmental target of new types of feed additive and premix important marketing skill of feed additive premix were summarized in this paper.


  • HW科技有限公司一家专业的预混生产外商独资企业主要产品预混合饲,其次浓缩

    HW Feed Technology Limited Company is a foreign solely-invested enterprise. Its main product is premixed feed and the second is concentrated feed.


  • 其本身而言,作为微量元素,但全世界预混料不是一种基础微量矿物质

    As such, chromium - a trace mineral like iron and zinc - is not part of basic? Trace mineral premixes used in pig and poultry feeds worldwide.


  • 农药兽药预混添加剂奶粉淀粉调味品制剂、饲粉剂状、粉末状物定量包装充填

    The packaging machine pesticides, veterinary medicine, premix, additives, milk powder, starch, spices, enzymes, such as powder-feed quantitative packaging.


  • 本文描述了这种预混结构介绍了应用特点,指出了作为预混料包缠纱质量指标可能的质量控制手段

    The paper describes the structure of the friction spun yarn and explains its application characteristics. The quality indexes and possible quality control measures are also discussed.


  • 为了研究包被硫酸锌碱式碳酸预混料维生素a稳定性影响及其对于仔猪的生物效价,本研究进行了两个试验

    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of Coated Zinc Sulfate and Copper Carbonate on Vitamin a Stability and Bioavailability for Weanling Pigs.


  • 公司根据国内外最新养殖技术,结合国内现阶段养殖现状,推出了各种畜、禽水产预混、蛋白浓缩、 配合饲系列产品

    The company shows great foresight to produce feedstuff and develop series products, such as premixed feed, concentrated feed, formula feed, and so on.


  • 本文就《工业制剂通用试验方法测定用酶添加剂预混酸性蛋白酶活力进行了探讨,并就试验方法的适用性以及影响活力测定的因素进行了试验论证。

    This paper focused on discussion of using the method in "General determination of industrial enzymes" to detect acidic protease activity of enzyme additive in feed premixed with enzyme additive.


  • 本文就《工业制剂通用试验方法测定用酶添加剂预混酸性蛋白酶活力进行了探讨,并就试验方法的适用性以及影响活力测定的因素进行了试验论证。

    This paper focused on discussion of using the method in "General determination of industrial enzymes" to detect acidic protease activity of enzyme additive in feed premixed with enzyme additive.


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