• 景观建筑风水专门化信息交流

    The specialized information exchange of Iching and the landscape architecture and geomancy.


  • 风水贯穿一条人们“趋吉避凶”主线

    Feng Shui is permeated with a for people to "stay out of trouble," the main line.


  • 同时风水造园、营造一起作为古代建筑理论

    Geomantic Omen theory is concerned as one of three old architecture theories together with gardening theory and construction theory.


  • 中国风水建议将室第的前门红色,取旺盛红火之意。

    Feng shui recommends painting the front door of a home red to invite prosperity to the residents.


  • 风水早期美国成功,得归功于一些中国风水师锲而不舍努力

    It owed its early success to the dogged efforts of a handful of Chinese feng shui experts.


  • 目前在美国热门中国文化道家有着神秘色彩的风水

    The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.


  • 目前在美国最热门中国文化道家有着神秘色彩的风水 .

    The latest Chinese cultural icons to make its impact there are Taoism, and ancient school of thought, and fengshui, an ancient art of placement.//


  • 文章对风水基本概念进行简单阐述分析风水宝地环境模式

    The basic notion of the geomantic omen has been expounded and the analysis on the pattern of geomantic place has also been carried out.


  • 放在“”上,也是风水学最大忌讳之一——也就是说床对着

    A bed placed in the "death position" — that is, with the foot of the bed directly aimed at the door — is one of the biggest taboos.


  • 看看是否任何建筑物或是物对著并且产生风水所指的“暗箭煞”。

    See if there is any big buildings or hinder the things you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake.


  • 风水里,他们绝不透露秘密,但是只要放在错误方位就能集中足够的杀人

    In feng shui, they never let on, but just by putting a bed in the wrong spot, you can focus enough chi to kill a person.


  • 看看是否任何建筑物或是障碍物对着并且产生风水所指的“暗箭煞”。

    See if there is any big buildings or obstacles to you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake.


  • 屏风是起到保护作用,使外面的不能看到里面。屏风的保护作用来源于风水学原理

    Screens provided protection for doorways in that one cannot see straight inside. Screens perform protection also in terms of Feng Shui principles.


  • 风水角度分析房屋座向基址选择,建筑构造阐述特殊建筑符号文化信息

    From the point of geomancy view, house seat and base choosing are analyzed, and the special architectural symbols of cultural information is described from building construction from.


  • 壁炉上整个屋子、水、火、俱全达到了风水最高境界

    Burn a pot of water on the true fire fireplace, the whole house gold, wood, water, fire, soil is five lines of complete, come to a the tallest state that the geomancy learns.


  • 每个人都有贵人但是往往我们因为风水命理相关知识从而错失改变命运机会

    Everyone is noble, but often we because don't understand geomancy numerology and related knowledge, and thus missed the opportunity to change the fate of.


  • 风水看来搬家,动土不能大忌首先绝地,绝地的是耗,在时会伤害性命;

    In Feng Shui view, earth moving, not fan three taboo, first is the Jedi, Jedi refers to the large, will hurt people in the life to meet fierce;


  • 收到一个代表“幸运”的大象雕像风水()摆在屋里带来繁荣

    I have received a "lucky" elephant statue that it is believed in Feng Shui that brings prosperity in house if you keep it with the face to the light (window) and his back to the door.


  • 过去的年中丈夫马克一直努力怀孕,曼迪尝试过精神疗法风水针灸有机饮食以及一系列中药疗法。

    In the five years she and her -husband Mark had been trying to -conceive, Mandy tried -spiritual -healing, feng shui, -acupuncture, organic diets and a host of herbal remedies.


  • 许多盗墓小说包含大量历史地理风水学占星术考古知识也是能够满足众多读者阅读需要元素

    Many "Grave Robbers Novels" contain a great deal of history, geography, Fengshui, astrology and archaeology, and other knowledge. This is also able to meet the needs of the many readers' elements.


  • 过去的年中丈夫马克一直努力怀孕曼迪尝试过精神疗法风水针灸有机饮食以及一系列中药疗法

    In the five years she and her husband Mark had been trying to conceive, Mandy tried spiritual healing, feng shui, acupuncture, organic diets and a host of herbal remedies.


  • 过去的年中丈夫马克一直努力怀孕曼迪尝试过精神疗法风水针灸有机饮食以及一系列中药疗法

    In the five years she and her husband Mark had been trying to conceive, Mandy tried spiritual healing, feng shui, acupuncture, organic diets and a host of herbal remedies.


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