I hope I could be a leader of an energetic and productive sales team.
Learn more about software installation and how a productive development environment should work in this kind of scenario.
Although natural resources can be important, they are not necessary for an economy to be highly productive in producing goods and services.
因此,XForms可能成为高生产率的声明性的、以XML 为中心的开发环境的基础。
Therefore, XForms can become the keystone of a highly productive declarative and XML-centric development environment.
Other books may breathlessly describe new methods or techniques that will lead to amazing productivity gains, but the Robertsons seem grounded by experience.
The automatic Cut Sheet Laminator 1600-spc is a high productivity machine which automatically premeasures and precisely laminates dry film within the confines of the panel.
The electron beam local heat treatment (EBLHT) is a newly heat treatment that provides the advantages of high precision, flexility and efficiency, energy source saving and productivity improving.
They can provide either a gentle nursery slope for experimentation and learning, prior to the red runs of AspectJ, or a highly productive work environment in their own right.
So we turned to a RAD (rapid application development) tool that would enable developers with minimal or no J2EE development experience to be productive — and that was Rational rapid developer.
High savings lead, over time, to increased investment, which in turn generates productivity gains, innovation and job growth.
Such changes have led to a high rate of production and growth of the economy.
The best way to compensate for an aging population - and therefore fewer workers - is higher productivity.
Rapid productivity gains in China and India are pushing domestic incomes higher, increasing consumer demand.
Your company can achieve powerful benefits from working in the Sandbox, helping your development team achieve productivity and efficiency goals.
But whether productivity or unexpectedly weak growth is to blame for high unemployment, there is a danger that policymakers have failed to recognise the full extent of the slack in the economy.
Going through several projects and being part of very productive teams I have come to realize that software reuse is a viable idea.
Like Italy, Spain is stuck with high-cost, low-productivity businesses that are vulnerable to Chinese competition; poor schools; and low spending on research and development.
Sure, it's nice when the language gives you features like generics to make things easier, but often code generation is a necessary — and extremely productive — task.
Labour has migrated to less productive service sectors and informal activities.
The consequences of high capital income tax policies are reduced saving, reduced capital accumulation, lower labor productivity, and reduced economic growth.
Executives might even increase their productivity if they spent fewer hours on board planes (or kicking their heels at airports).
The design aims at automatic operation, simple maintenance and high productivity.
The ranges are characterized by high productivity, mechanical robustness and crease-free fabric runs.
During the information age, knowledge and information become the bases for reintegrating the individual into a highly productive workplace.
The big danger is that, while optimists and pessimists battle it out, the world becomes ever more divided between islands of high productivity surrounded by a vast ocean of stagnation.
With mold parts demonstrated by the high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption, the other processing methods can not be compared.
In the case of diameter of the pan is equal, the effective volume in pan of the mixer is larger.
VAI can offer such a complete "quality package" from reversing mills to linked tandem mills which helps to produce cold strip with the highest quality and productivity but under the lowest costs.
Production concept: consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.
Production concept: consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution efficiency.